Allison Lawrence Budget Date: 2/27/23 Revenue (takehome)Raise Part-time Library Page$21,000 Part-time photography assistant$1,700 Source 3 Total Revenue$22,700 ï =SUM(D4:D ExpensesLive Rent/Mortgage$1,000 Electricity $350 Personal Entertainment $100 Cable/Internet $75 Water$50 Household Allowance (Food & Such)$500 Insurance $250 Gas (Auto) $60 Employment Expenses $- GiveGoal Tithing 10% $100 Charity5% $2,000 GrowGoal Retirement10000 $250 Emergency Fund5000 $600 Life Insurance1750 $1,500 Savings5000 $500 Owe Taxes Taxesn/a Owe DebtPayoff Student Loans 0 $- Car Payment0 $- Credit Card Payment500 $500 Total Expenses$7,835ï =SUM(D11
Net Income/Loss $14,865ï =D8-D37
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