Please find below the assignment guidance of the PD-2 element of the AGCS_PD-2 module. The AGCS-2 element of the module does not include a formal assessment.
Write a 4,000-word critique of the two research articles made available under the following folders on the S21 AGCS_PD-2 module on BlackBoard:
- Learning Resources and Activities
- Articles for summative assessment
The focus of your work must be on critically appraising both articles and on exploring the differences between the qualitative and quantitative research paradigms. This will account for 100% of module and therefore 100% of the module grade.
Substituting one or both articles will result in a fail of the assignment.
- Formatting:
- You must include a front sheet and evidence of special arrangements (if applicable).
- Work should be presented with 1.5 line spacing.
- Font : Calibri size 12.
- You can use subheadings to structure your content.
- Pages should be numbered consecutively.
- Structure of assignment:
Introduction : (3rd person)
- This should be a brief paragraph to explain what you plan to include in your piece of work.
- Briefly consider evidence-based practice and critical evaluation of practice. Identify the articles used for the critique.
Main Body : (3rd person):
- Use your McMaster framework critiques to inform your writing.
- Outline the strengths and weaknesses of each of the two articles
- Are they reliable and relevant?
- Consider the different types of evidence provided by the two different research approaches, relate this to the theoretical evidence base for research.
- Have the researchers applied the correct approaches to their studies, ie what does the literature say about the how the research should be conducted?
- How easy is it to understand the information being presented (be specific) and why, relate to the evidence base/literature)?
- Do the articles provide convincing evidence for practice?
The above list is non-exhaustive and outlines the minimum requirements.
Conclusion: (1st person)
- Summarise key points and do not introduce any new material.
- What have you learnt from the module and writing this assignment?
- How has this assisted you to read and evaluate research articles?
- How has your view on evidence-based practice changed and in what way?
You must include the two completed/annotated McMaster Critiquing Frameworks (1 x qualitative and 1 x quantitative). If the frameworks are annotated in handwriting, please make sure your notes are legible. Omitting one or both frameworks from your summative submission will result in a ‘fail’.
References :
- Use the Harvard referencing format in “Cite them Right”.
- There is no fixed number of references.
- Do not use online commercial websites to source your supporting material.
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