ACCT 2302- SPRING 2023 SYLLABUS 1Professor name: Dr. Cathy Weber Email:[email protected] Section: 25597: TuTh 10:00AM - 11:30AM Section: 10274: TuTh 1:00PM - 2:30PM Section: 16654: TuTh 2:30PM - 4:00PM Office hours: Monday 11:00AM to 12:00PM and 4:00PM to 6:00PM in MH360G Friday: 9:00AM - 12:00PM Virtual by Appointment Contact me by email to setup additional office hours by appointment. Class format: Synchronous online Class Format: Synchronous Online This is a synchronous online class (using Zoom). You will be able to access all of the Zoom classes (at your scheduled class time) for the entire semester by clicking on the Zoom link that will be provided to you. This link is also listed on blackboard - if you misplace it.You do NOT need to have a registered Zoom account. When you join a class section using this link -you will be prompted for your Cougarnet email address and password. You may be required to periodically authorize/authenticate using the UH Office 365 Duo Mobile notification system. This limits access to the class to UH students (and their UH Cougarnet account) so as to limit Zoom Bombing and unauthorized access.You MUST NOT share these links with anyone on social media or direct your peers to this post on Blackboard as it is a violation of the UH Academic Honesty Policy. Note that Zoom bombings are federally investigated. See also If Zoom becomes unstable, I may inform you to switch to another software. You shall receive detailed instructions from me via UH email if that is the case. In the event I am unable to meet you successfully virtually during class time, due to stability of software issues or any other unforeseen exigencies, you can use my recorded lectures in blackboard. I will update you if this happens via your UH email. So, it is imperative that you check your UH email for class specific issues such as these and check the blackboard announcements for course wide issues. ************************************************************************************* This syllabus may be changed further and posted on blackboard with email notification via your uh email. ************************************************************************************ Course Objective The objective of this course is to investigate the accounting tools, techniques and practices used in managerial accounting. We will look at applications ofcost data to business decisions, performance evaluation, planning and control. Prerequisite The prerequisite for ACCT 2302 is ACCT 2301 or equivalent.
ACCT 2302- SPRING 2023 SYLLABUS 2Course Material The main course components are: 1.Required.Introduction to Managerial Accounting(UH custom edition) by BREWER, GARRISON AND NOREEN (ninth edition - 9e) 2.Required.Access to CONNECT (available at UH bookstore) In order to receive a CONNECT code you must purchase either a new textbook (hardcopy) or you may alternatively purchase the online E-book (softcopy) by itself (instructions will be on Blackboard).The purchase of the CONNECT code is necessary to do the online homework and pre-chapter assessments. Important Note:Underno circumstancesshould students access websites (for example Chegg, Course Hero, etc.) that post textbook, test bank questions, or case solutions. Students should also not post class material to these websites in this or future semesters. Violations of the above will result in a F in the course and referral to the Office of Student Conduct without exception. Testing using Proctorio: This course will use Proctorio Plus, a browser-locking and remote proctoring solution designed to protect the integrity of this course's exams. The 2302 instructors have chosen the secure exam settings required by this course and will make a judgment as to any potential academic integrity violation. You must pay $15 for Proctorio Plus online before taking your exams. This is consistent with the course notes provided on the UH website while you were registering for this course. Assignments with Proctorio Some assignments within Connect will be enabled with Proctorio Plus to give you practice with the software. You'll be able to see which assignments in Connect include Proctorio settings because they will be clearly labeled with "Proctoring Enabled" in the assignment title. When you start a proctored assignment, the settings in use will be indicated.
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