Introduction NASA developed technology to propel objects through space at 7 million miles per hour (300X faster than the first mission to the moon), and they used it to launch a spacecraft to that particular habitable planet, expecting it to land in 1,200 years.Feeling the loss of respect from those who once revered you, the choice is yours: live out the rest of your life in shame or show the people how fearsome you can truly be. One of the officers believes your story and offers to help you.The feds have been at their work for four hours when there is a shout and a sudden explosion.Anything goes in terms of what you can do—the sky's the limit.Impressed by his read of your intentions--and a bit entranced by his emerald eyes-- you find yourself drawn into a dinner date.After years of research and trial-and-error, you invent a next-generation phone that can record significant moments from multiple angles at the push of a button.There's not a lot to see, just a desk with a computer and several mismatched bookshelves, all coated in thick dust.But when he passed away years ago, there was no one left to stop them.Surprised, your team decides to investigate the newly formed ravine.As kings and lords argue amongst themselves, with even a few choosing suicide over confronting this seemingly unstoppable force, you decide to follow a different path. Everything inside you is telling you to protect the book at all costs.In a clearing within a mossy pine forest you find your mother... with a dragon. Unfortunately, they were woefully unprepared to handle these creatures, and the shelter was soon in shambles.Once a hero amongst your people, you are now relegated to live the rest of your days as an exile.It's not a disease—well, not in the traditional sense.The very next day, a box arrives on your doorstep.A powerful explosion of air and smoke erupts from the box, shattering the nearby windows.All you need are the recently deceased to perform your work.He wears a nicely pressed white suit and has a thinning patch of curly hair on his head.The dagger tingles in your hand, signaling that your journey is just beginning. Now completely comprised of fantasy creatures, the once human inhabitants of this kingdom must deal with all baggage and annoyances that come from being a fantasy character. When you arrive on the planet, you realize that it's barely habitable, but there is a strain of evolved humans that somehow manage to survive there.It speaks of half-fish, half-human creatures.You open it to find an elf, a wizard, a goblin, and a kangaroo standing outside, saying they received your invitation. You and your family have just moved into a new house in a sleepy little town.Unfortunately, from her species' perspective, humans are viewed as being quite hideous.You agree to serve a dark warlock and lead his army of the undead to wreak havoc and destruction across the land.A woman on the other line asks you how your day has been and launches into an engaging conversation on topics you love to talk about.It's too late to back out now. 1
Slides - ACC Problem Statement She's not sure exactly how she made it through cadet training, but a bookworm finds herself on a military starship sent to the far reaches of space.A woman appears in the mirror, offering you your heart's desire.You exit the door and enter a new one.The structures and surroundings at specific points in time are digitally stored, and they can easily be recreated in museum domes and then recycled.You run out to the parking lot to find your car missing and realize it may happen sooner than you think. Months later, someone or something began hunting your group, picking off knight after knight until only you and your father were left. Even worse, your friends are transformed into their dwarven characters, the cats are transformed into horses, and you have become an old wizard with arthritis.You lead a small team onto the wreckage, finding most of the ship gutted beyond repair.Initially you are proud of this breakthrough.Tearfully, your mother explains to you that your father's success is not what it seems.The world is slowly dying, but you find a way to survive by growing crops indoors with plant growing lamps and solar panels.Instead of the old lady who usually teaches your class, there is a young and beautiful substitute teacher with auburn red hair.According to the stories, the planet somehow knew it needed water and sent rain to make the trees and plants grow.Within an overgrown thicket of thorns, you find a unicorn.After being dismissed as nothing more than a stalling tactic, you decide to reveal what you have to offer in return.You are part of the first group of people the explorers encounter. A rift opens across the planet's surface like in the past, but this time it doesn't close.When you are in the dream world, no one pays you any mind until one day a boy your age whom you have never seen before realizes that you are not from here.The navigator sounds excited — a little too excited, which only sets your nerves further on edge.In a last effort to save humanity, you work with a team of scientists to remove toxins in the atmosphere using a vast system of windmills and aerial filters.With nothing left for you but the unintended consequences of betrayal, you collected your belongings and abandoned the doomed people you had sworn to protect. You took a hard look at the corpse, making sure that your face and his were a perfect match.You hire an attractive private investigator to work the case, someone who knows about your kind and can get to the bottom of any situation.You continue your experiments, adding magical health benefits to otherwise normal fruit, and life goes on.With multiple forces at play compromising your secret, you aren't sure how much longer you'll be able to keep this up. After several months of traveling below the speed of light, your crew runs out of resources and the ship's power containment begins to degrade.Life goes on.Knowing that daylight is only a few hours away, you and your friend have to find a way to send these clumsy magical horses back to their world before the headmaster wakes up. However, once created, the wormhole will remain open, allowing humanity to pass through it anytime they wish.A couple of guys are talking in hushed voices, discussing rumors of abductions throughout the city.
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