Progress Report ACC 4337 Professor Emmalynn Submission Date: 17 February 2018 Ana Katelyn
Progress Report - ACC Introduction Your magic worked best with the elements, such as when you were standing in the water of the creek or beneath the trees on a windy day or with your feet buried deep into the freshly turned earth.At first, you're afraid, but then he tells you a great war is coming, and you have an important part to play.You have no idea what sorts of animals she trains until you sneak out of the hotel room to follow her.It's up to you to stop them. On your most recent journey, you bump into an enchantress working at a diner who is on the same mission.You have moved to a small oceanside town.You look down to see that, in place of legs, you have a scaly, fish-like tail.You go back to the shop and find that the magic mirror has disappeared. Your concerns grow when he asks you to smuggle an unmarked strongbox out of Federation territory and leave it on a disputed planet.With little choice but to trust this strange old man, you set sail across the vast and perilous ocean. But what he uncovers is more than you bargained for. Eventually, you find the parchment, which also prophesies the birth of the Prime Heretic in the capital city on the day of the shrine's destruction.He toots on a strange looking trumpet, and you are transformed into a mouse who must fulfill your destiny as ruler of the mouse kingdom—but all you want is to be home in time for dinner! But each and every person can be harvested to construct a totus anima mea, or "whole soul," which provides everlasting life to whomever possesses it.At first, the gods sacrificed themselves to satisfy the Elder Titan.She says goodbye, and you put the tooth under your pillow.When the waters finally stop flowing, there is one long island across the surface, essentially two large ridges marked by a crack in between.You get mostly C's and sometimes even D's, no matter how much you study and prepare for exams and in-class essays.So, with a snap of his finger, the wizard kills Gutenberg and all those who would dare use machines to distribute knowledge."I haven't picked a fight with a Benandanti in a hundred years.As a demonic angel-hunter, you do not know the difference between right and wrong.Five years ago, you were hunting for venison when a horse suddenly came out of nowhere and galloped passed you.As a barista, you are used to demanding customers and the never- ending line of drink orders.When you do, the rusty old sword comes loose from the rock with ease.You are not very comfortable with this particular order, but you do see potential in her despite her nerdy characteristics. What a weirdo! You vow to take back your top spot by any means necessary. You've wanted to get to know her better, but you were too shy to introduce yourself.But nothing could be further from the truth.Where there once were freckles, there are none.If you want to save your experiments—and the romance you may have—you must convince Aasha that trust and mutual support, not control and fear, are the path to a better universe.
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