WCC ACC 111 MODULE 7 Chapter 7 Notes Internal Controls oInternal Control The organizational plan and all the related measures adopted by an entity to: Safeguard assets. Encourage employees to follow company procedures. Promote operational efficiency. Ensure accurate and reliable accounting records. oCommittee of sponsoring organization A committee that provides thought leadership related to enterprise risk management, internal control, and fraud deterrence. oPublic company A company that sells its stock to the general public. oSOX AKA - Sarbanes-Oxley Act Requires companies to review internal control and take responsibility for the accuracy and completeness of their financial records. Internal control report oA report by management describing its responsibility for and the adequacy of internal controls over financial reporting Public Company Accounting Oversight Board oAKA - PCAOB oOversees the work of public accounting companies. Public Accounting firms are prohibited from providing auditing services and consultation to the same client. 25 years in prison for securities fraud Components of Internal Control o5 components of Internal Control (CRIME) Control Procedures Risk Assessment Information System Monitoring of Controls Environment oInternal Auditor An employee of the business who ensures: the companies employees are following company policies that the company meets all legal requirements Operations are running efficiently. oExternal Auditor An outside accountant who is completely independent of the business
Evaluates the controls to ensure that the financial statements are presented fairly and in accordance with GAAP. Internal Control Procedures oSeparation of Duties Dividing responsibilities between two or more people to limit fraud and promote the accuracy of accounting records. oEncryption Rearranging plain text messages by a mathematical process The primary way of achieving security in e-commerce. Limitations of Internal Control oCollusion Two or more people working together to circumvent internal controls and defraud a company. Cash Receipts and Internal Controls oRemittance Advice Optional attachment to a check. Tells the business the reason for payment oLockbox system A system in which customers send their checks to a post office box that belongs to a bank. Bank employees empty the box daily and record the deposits in the companies bank accounts. Cash Payments and Internal Controls oStreamlined Procedures Evaluated Receipts settlement. AKA - ERS A procedure that compresses the payment approval process into a single step by comparing the receiving report to the purchase order. Electronic Data Interchange AKA - EDI A streamlined process that bypasses paper documents Computers of customers communicate directly with the computers of suppliers to automate routine business transactions. Petty Cash / Cash Transactions oPetty Cash A fund containing a small amount of cash that is used to pay for minor expenses oImprest System A way to account for petty cash by maintaining a constant balance in the petty cash account At any time, cash and petty cash tickets must total the amount allocated to the petty cash fund
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