Analyzing Financial Risks of Flash Technologies: Writing

School: University of Houston, Downtown - Course: MBA 6310 - Subject: Accounting

ReadOcean Manufacturing, Inc.,Flash Technologies, Inc., Phar-Mor, Inc. Answer the following questions. 1.In your own words, summarize financial accounting/reporting risks of Flash Technology. 2.What are the advantages and disadvantages of having the same CPA firm provide both auditing and consulting services? 3.If you had the opportunity to interview Rita Crundwell, what would you ask her and why? 2. Should the external auditors have been able to identify the false invoices? 3. What was the most shocking piece of evidence you learned about the Crundwell case? Instructions: Please submit the writing homework via turnitin within the assignment folder. The assignments are meant to challenge your critical thinking, problem solving and knowledge on audit rule(s)/standard(s) in the context of specific

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