
School: The University of Sydney - Course: ACCT 3016 - Subject: Accounting

Organisational Sustainability Reporting (Part 2) Presented by Dr Matthew Egan ACCT3016 - week 3
The University of SydneyPage 2Learning Objectives Preliminary comments: Current affairs - the emerging environmental crises in Ukraine up/6831343.html#:~:text=Because%20of%20the%20war%2C%20more,to%20the%20World %20Wildlife%20Fund. Are we all now referring to the week-by-week guidance doc on Canvas? Any general questions? Poll - what to do in lieu of public holiday in week 9? Today's menu: Group 1 Presentation (25 mins) Voluntary Social and Environmental Reporting (SER) (continued). Evaluate advantages and limitations of voluntary SER (10 mins) Evaluate whether SER should become mandatory, including debating the merits of mandatory reporting - Group 2 presentation (30 mins) Explain, apply and evaluate reporting approaches other than stand alone reports: Reporting directly within a webpage - Qantas (30 mins) Using social media. Discuss Manutti, Bellucci & Bagnoli, and consider Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin sites of McDonalds and Qantas (50 mins) Today's padlet -
The University of SydneyPage 3Readings Class discussion (required reading) Manetti, G., Bellucci, M. and Bagnoli, L., 2017. Stakeholder engagement and public information through social media: a study of Canadian and American public transportation agencies. The American Review of Public Administration, 47(8), pp.991-1009. Group presentation next week (required reading) Cooper, S.M. and Owen, D.L., 2007. Corporate social reporting and stakeholder accountability: The missing link. Accounting, Organizations and Society, 32(7-8), pp.649-667.

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