ATI 3 Key Points Remediation Document

School: Galen College of Nursing - Course: NUR 265 - Subject: Accounting

ATI 3 KEY POINTS REMEDIATION 1.Access your Comprehensive Predictor Report on ATI. 2.Find "Topics to Review" on your report. 3.Number each of the missed items on your report (see sample below). 4.Review each missed item/topic in your ATI resources, such as e-books or hard copy books. 5.Decide upon the three most important things to know about the topic. 6.Write (MUST BE HANDWRITTEN) three important points to remember in a bulleted form on the provided worksheet. You will find the worksheet on the next page. Keep it short, simple, and focused on the missed item.
ATI 3 KEY POINTS REMEDIATION NAME: _________________________________DATE:__________________ COURSE:_______________________________ATI Comprehensive Predictor Score:______ TOPIC/ITEM (use one box per topic/item) Three Key Points to Remember for Each Topic Item Missed Topic/Item Example:COPINGATIReference:Please write down ATI resource that was used.*Must be ATI resource 1.Factors influencing the individual's ability to cope. Include the number, duration, and intensity of stressors, individual past experiences, current support systems, and available resources (financial). 2.General Adaptation Syndrome is a theory that describes the stress reactions in three stages: Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion. Adaptation is how a person copes with stress. 3. Assess for non-verbal expressions as well as verbal answers. Some non-verbal expressions include irritability, anxiety, and eye contact. 1. 2. 3. ATIReference: " 1. 2. 3. ATIReference:
ATI 3 KEY POINTS REMEDIATION 1.Access your Comprehensive Predictor Report on ATI. 2.Find "Topics to Review" on your report. 3.Number each of the missed items on your report (see sample below). 4.Review each missed item/topic in your ATI resources, such as e-books or hard copy books. 5.Decide upon the three most important things to know about the topic. 6.Write (MUST BE HANDWRITTEN) three important points to remember in a bulleted form on the provided worksheet. You will find the worksheet on the next page. Keep it short, simple, and focused on the missed item.
ATI 3 KEY POINTS REMEDIATION NAME: _________________________________DATE:__________________ COURSE:_______________________________ATI Comprehensive Predictor Score:______ TOPIC/ITEM (use one box per topic/item) Three Key Points to Remember for Each Topic Item Missed Topic/Item Example:COPINGATIReference:Please write down ATI resource that was used.*Must be ATI resource 1.Factors influencing the individual's ability to cope. Include the number, duration, and intensity of stressors, individual past experiences, current support systems, and available resources (financial). 2.General Adaptation Syndrome is a theory that describes the stress reactions in three stages: Alarm, Resistance, and Exhaustion. Adaptation is how a person copes with stress. 3. Assess for non-verbal expressions as well as verbal answers. Some non-verbal expressions include irritability, anxiety, and eye contact. 1. 2. 3. ATIReference: " 1. 2. 3. ATIReference:
ATI 3 KEY POINTS REMEDIATION 1.Access your Comprehensive Predictor Report on ATI. 2.Find "Topics to Review" on your report. 3.Number each of the missed items on your report (see sample below). 4.Review each missed item/topic in your ATI resources, such as e-books or hard copy books. 5.Decide upon the three most important things to know about the topic. 6.Write (MUST BE HANDWRITTEN) three important points to remember in a bulleted form on the provided worksheet. You will find the worksheet on the next page. Keep it short, simple, and focused on the missed item.

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