CPCCBC5003 Supervise the Planning of on-site Building and Construction Work - Workplace Assessment

Assistance on Site Condition Report

Assessment Task 3 - Workplace Assessment

Part 1 Plan Construction Work


Each student must complete this assessment tasks on their own and not work in groups, unless the task requires it. The intent of this Assessment Task is to show that students are able to plan building and construction work.

Set out the completed Assessment Task using MS Excel and / or MS Word format and presentation strategies.


To complete this task the student will be use their Student Workbook as notes to prepare a construction site project file as the Site Manager for this project. The project can be fictitious but must be commercial and medium rise (Class 2 -10), e.g., a 3-story apartment block.

  • Describe the project: Address and Council
  • List the contractual documentation that you would expect to be included in such a project
  • What zoning restrictions are noted for this site on Land channel?

from mapshare.vic.gov.au/vicplan reports (free)

·         Describe the requirement for hiring site staff. How many staff, what positions? Site staff structure diagram would be expected.

  • List the OH&S/rehabilitation procedures needed to be established on this site?
  • Using MS Excel Gantt chart plot the construction of a basement car park to suspended floor completion.
  • What temporary services would be needed on a site such as this?
  • There are 3 permanent employees on site. Research and list the Fair Work requirements for these staff.
  •  What communication skills would be used to conduct planning operations on this construction site, and with who would you need to communicate?
  • Which statutory authorities would you need to establish and maintain contact with for this project, and why?

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Part 2 Site Condition Report

Prepare a Site Condition Report for the project used in Task 3 Part 1

(a)    This site was previously occupied by a house 50 years of age that had to be demolished.

(b)   There was a series of overhead power lines with high voltage lines crossing the property.

1.      List the occupational hazard problems with this site and make suitable notes on the site condition report as to how to address the problem.

2.      Describe the penalties/risks that should be reflected in the contract documents.

Site condition report template available from the LMS

Part 3 Review the Availability of Materials and Conditions of Purchase and Payment

Review the required materials for stage 1 (base stage) of this project and complete the following documents using the templates provided

·      Call Forward Sheet

·      Sample Purchase Order

·      Documents available from the LMS

Part 4 Resource Control

Using MS Excel or MS Word establish a resource control system for recording visitors, equipment, and materials on site.

Your resource control system should provide a reference for certain materials or equipment used at a certain time throughout the project, as well as a policy for implementing and maintaining resource records.

Upon completion you will be required to submit:

·      Visitor Log

·      Equipment Maintenance Log

·      Materials Management Log

·      Resource Control Policy – Template Provided

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