This assessment task requires you to apply the risk management process write a report on risk management in a workplace you are familiar with, by filling in a provided template.

Assistance on Risk Management Report

Assessment overview

This assessment task requires you to apply the risk management process write a report on risk management in a workplace you are familiar with, by filling in a provided template.

Learning Outcomes

The purpose of this assessment task is for you to:

  1. Identify common psychosocial hazards and risks in the work environment and impacts on health;
  2. Apply the risk management process to assess and control work-related stress;
  3. Communicate fluently using appropriate terminology to describe psychosocial hazards and risks and their prevention and control;
  4. Develop insightful and persuasive evidence-based recommendations to prevent, eliminate or reduce work-related stress and improve workplace culture and practice.

Assessment details

Definition: A report is a concise piece of writing that sets out and analyses a situation or problem, often making recommendations for future actions. Where an essay focuses on arguments and reasoning, a report concentrates on the logical presentation of facts. Reports include headings and specific sections, and may include bullet points, figures and tables, and appendices. Detailed reports are usually structured: description of problem or situation; interpretation and critical analysis of the event or situation; evaluation of the facts or results of the research; discussion of the likely outcomes of future courses of action; recommendations as to a course of action; and conclusions.


In writing your report on risk management, you will choose a workplace with which you are familiar. It might be a workplace in which you, or someone you know, has been employed. Then, apply a risk management process to identify the psychosocial hazards that could cause most harm in the workplace you have identified, assess the associated risks, and make recommendations for controlling the risks. You should briefly refer to how you would review and revise the risk control measures you have recommended.

Please note the Risk management topic and report needs to be SUBSTANTIALLY DIFFERENT to your Assessment 3a,b,c: Report proposal, Report presentation and Final report.

  1. Provide a short (3 or 4 sentences) description of the workplace. Your short description of the workplace should provide context, so the reader can better understand the workplace, identify the audience for the report, and the relevance of the work-related stressors and recommended control measures in your report in relation to that workplace.
  2. Choose three causes of work-related stress from the following list that are most relevant to the workplace you are reporting on:
  • Task design
  • Workload/work pace
  • Role in the organisation
  • Work context
  • Physical work environment and equipment
  • Degree of control
  • Organisational function and culture
  • Work schedule
  • Management of work
  • Employment status
  • Relationships at work
  1. Fill in the Word document Assessment 2: Risk management report - TEMPLATE for the three work-related stressors you chose (see relevant folder on the page for this assessment).
  • The column on the left needs to identify and describe potential work-related stressors in the context of your chosen workplace scenario.
  • The right hand column is completed with your recommendations for control measures to address the work-related stressors in practice.
  • Other than your short description of the workplace and your reference list, all the material for the assessment should be included in the table itself.
  • It is expected that your description of potential work-related stressors and suggested control measures will be supported by evidence and referenced appropriately (Vancouver 2022 style of in-text citations and a reference list). You can draw on the learning materials in the unit and wider reading for evidence.
  • You can present your work-related stressors and control measures in narrative form as long as it is clear what the potential work-related stressors are in the context of your chosen work scenario and it is clear what your suggested corresponding control measures are.
  • If you choose to present your potential work-related stressors and control measures as single dot points for each, these would need to be followed by material drawn from your search of the literature to provide evidence to support for your points. You need to describe and critique, not just complete the table using dot points

Relevant unit learning materials will help you in regard to steps in the risk management process and completing the template of your Risk Management Report; e.g.:

  • WorkSafe Victoria. A guide for employers. Preventing and managing work-related stress (a reading in Week 3) and,
  • WorkSafe Victoria's Preventing work-related stress – examples of risk control measures and Work-related stress prevention. Risk management worksheet. 2017 (these are available the Reading List under Assessment 2: Risk Management Report (after week 3's readings).
  1. Generative AI tools cannot be used in this assessment task:In this assessment, you must not use generative artificial intelligence (AI) to generate any materials or content in relation to the assessment task. For further information about generative artificial intelligence see Artificial Intelligence on the LearnHQ site.
  2. If your contribution includes the intellectual property (authored material) of others (including books, journal articles, magazines, news articles, websites, social media, etc.) they must be given appropriate attribution. You need to include citations in the text and a reference list to support your potential work-related stressors and suggested control measures. You must cite all of your sources using the Vancouver 2022 referencing style. Include your reference list after the heading References (otherwise Turnitin, the text matching software program Monash University uses for all submitted assessments, will include your references in its similarity index).
  3. Include your word count on the front page of your report. References in your reference list are not included in the word count.
  4. Please submit your report as a Word file, ie .doc or .docx format to the Assessment 2 dropbox on Moodle.

For full information about how this assessment will be marked, refer to the Assessment criteria and rubric later in this book.

Assessment criteria and rubric

Assessment criteria

Your work will be graded according to the following criteria:

  1. Workplace context and identification and description of relevant work-related stressors
  2. Recommendations of relevant control measures to address the work-related stressors
  3. Application of relevant concepts and principles
  4. Structure and presentation
  5. Referencing

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