Creative Teaching and Learning Assignment 2

Assistance on Evaluation Questions

Part 1: Five proposed art plans

Each art plan limited to 450 words 

Planned learning experience 1 (Birth to 5)

(Please specify age)

Art Area:

(Art area needs to be identified here)

What is the learning focus?

(Specific reference to art element/s and required links to 2 learning outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework need to be established here –ie reference to Outcome 5 plus an additional EYLF Outcome)

What is the experience?

(Proposed learning experiences that show how you will be exploring art element and meeting outcome identified in learning focus)

Why am I planning this experience?

(Link to art theory, unit and wider readings)

What resources do I need?

(Be specific and reference as per APA guidelines if listing text or music resources)

How will I interact with the child/children to scaffold their learning?

(What questions, structure, grouping, scaffolding and/or comments, for example, might you be using to support the child’s developing understanding of the element/s in focus and to meet intended learning outcome/s?)

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Planned learning experience 2 (Birth to 5)

(Please specify age)

Art Area:

(Art area needs to be identified here)

What is the learning focus?

(Specific reference to art element/s and required links to 2 learning outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework need to be established here – ie reference to Outcome 5 plus an additional EYLF Outcome)

What is the experience?

(Proposed learning experiences that show how you will be exploring art element and meeting outcome identified in learning focus)

Why am I planning this experience?

(Link to art theory, unit and wider readings)

What resources do I need?

(Be specific and reference as per APA guidelines if listing text or music resources)

How will I interact with the child/children to scaffold their learning?

(What questions, structure, grouping, scaffolding and/or comments, for example, might you be using to support the child’s developing understanding of the element/s in focus and to meet intended learning outcome/s?)

Planned learning experience 3 (Birth to 5)

(Please specify age)

Art Area:

(Art area needs to be identified here)

What is the learning focus?

(Specific reference to art element/s and required links to 2 learning outcomes in the Early Years Learning Framework need to be established here – ie reference to Outcome 5 plus an additional EYLF Outcome)

What is the experience?

(Proposed learning experiences that show how you will be exploring art element and meeting outcome identified in learning focus)

Why am I planning this experience?

(Link to art theory, unit and wider readings)

What resources do I need?

(Be specific and reference as per APA guidelines if listing text or music resources)

How will I interact with the child/children to scaffold their learning?

(What questions, structure, grouping, scaffolding and/or comments, for example, might you be using to support the child’s developing understanding of the element/s in focus and to meet intended learning outcome/s?)

Planned learning experience 4 (Five to 12 year olds)

(NESA Stage needs to be identified here)

Art Area:

(Art area needs to be identified here)

What is the learning focus?

(Specific reference to art element/s and required links to NESA Art Syllabus Stage/ACARA need to be established here. Reference to how the experience will also focus on fostering appreciation of diversity also needs to be established)  

What is the experience?

(Proposed learning experiences that show how you will be exploring art element and meeting outcome identified in learning focus)

Why am I planning this experience?

(Link to art theory, unit and wider readings)

What resources do I need?

(Be specific and reference as per APA guidelines if listing text or music resources)

How will I interact with the child/children to scaffold their learning?

(What questions, structure, grouping, scaffolding and/or comments, for example, might you be using to support the child’s developing understanding of the element/s in focus and to meet intended learning outcome/s?)

Planned learning experience 5 (Five to 12 year olds)

(NESA Stage needs to be identified here)

Art Area:

(Art area needs to be identified here)

What is the learning focus?

(Specific reference to art element/s and required links to NESA Art Syllabus Stage/ACARA need to be established here. Reference to how the experience will also focus on fostering appreciation of diversity also needs to be established)  

What is the experience?

(Proposed learning experiences that show how you will be exploring art element and meeting outcome identified in learning focus)

Why am I planning this experience?

(Link to art theory, unit and wider readings)

What resources do I need?

(Be specific and reference as per APA guidelines if listing text or music resources)

How will I interact with the child/children to scaffold their learning?

(What questions, structure, grouping, scaffolding and/or comments, for example, might you be using to support the child’s developing understanding of the element/s in focus and to meet intended learning outcome/s?)

Part 2 Proposed Rational and Evaluation Questions

Proposed Rationale (100 words)

(This is a stand-alone statement that is linked to your personal philosophy of creative teaching and learning and is supported by readings).

Proposed Evaluation Questions (150 words)

(These should address all elements of the proposed planning and implementation process – please see the LG and marking rubric for key planning criteria) 

Reference List

(Have you checked this against APA referencing guidelines including formation of the reference list?)

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