BSBPMG534 Manage Project Human Resources - Practical Assessment

Assistance on Project HR Execution and Evaluation

Practical Assessment

Candidate Instructions

This assessment is a portfolio of evidence designed to assesses your ability to facilitate stakeholder engagement.

You are required to:

  • Develop a project HR plan
  • Design a project HR execution and evaluation
  • Address a case study

To develop your assessment, you can work on either of the following scenarios:

  1. Scenario 1:

Choose an organisation and industry that you are familiar with. For example, a company you have worked for or are working for now.

  1. Scenario 2:

Choose the case study provided by your trainer

This assessment comprises of the following sections:

Section 1: Project HR Plan

Section 2: Project HR Execution and Evaluation

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Section 1: Project HR Plan

Task 1: HR Management Approach
Describe how the project HR plan has been developed. Address:

-       Major inputs into the plan

-       How resources were negotiated with relevant stakeholders (mention what stakeholders)

-       What HR legislations were taken into consideration and why

-       All issues that could impact on HR management that were considered (if any)

All points MUST be addressed..

Task 2: Roles and Responsibility
Write an introductory paragraph to the table below where you address the following:

-       How the resource requirements and competencies for each individual task were determined

-       How project role descriptions and allocations were negotiated and subsequently communicated to stakeholders (mention stakeholders).

-       Add a project organisational structure

Complete the table below indicating:

o   Role – description of the portion of the project for which the member is accountable. Add name of the HR resources attached to the role where applicable.

o   Authority – the level at which the member may make decisions, apply project resources, or make approvals. This needs to be detailed: what authority does the role have.

o   Responsibility – the work a team member must perform to complete assigned work activities

o   Competency – the skill(s) required to complete assigned project activities

All points MUST be addressed.

Task 3: Project KPI
For each role identified in point 2:

·         Assign Appropriate KPI’s

·         Indicate frequency of performance management activities

·         Identify rewards for meeting and/or succeeding KPIs

Task 4: Project RACI chart
Complete a RACI chart against the project deliverables to address who is:

R – Responsible for completing the work

A – Accountable for ensuring task completion/sign off

C – Consulted before any decisions are made

I – Informed of when an action/decision has been made

·         All points MUST be addressed

Task 5: HR Management
Add an introduction to the sub-sections that follow.

5.1 Staff Acquisition


  • How and when the HR resources will be acquired
  • What selection criteria you would implement for selection.
  • If the HR resources are already acquired, describe what selection criteria you would look for to meet a specific PD.

5.2 Resource Calendar

Describe the timelines for when the resources are needed based on key project tasks and milestones.

5.3 Training

Review the competency for each role and the needs of the project. Outline what training, coaching and mentoring activities have been planned for.

5.4 Performance Review

Address the following:

  • Identify what technique you will use to evaluate and measure your staffs performance (for example performance evaluation against KPIs) and when it will be completed (for example frequency of key project gates).
  • Indicate what remedial actions could be implemented if needed.
  • Describe how the performance management process will be recorded and reported.

5.5 Team Management, Development and engagement


  • How conflict will be managed and resolved and/or include procedures for interpersonal communication and counseling to maintain a positive work environment.

5.6 Monitoring

Indicate how you would monitor and identify inter-project and intra-project resource conflict to minimise the impact on achieving project objectives.

6.Additional information

Add additional information as needed.

Section 2: Project HR Execution and Evalucation

Making appropriate reference to your project HR plan, address each section covering all points.

Discuss what you would do if the following happened at execution phase:

  1. Consider point 2 and 3 of your HR plan.

When monitoring your project progress, you identify that 2 of your team members are not performing well because they lack some competency required by their role.

Refer to your project plan and discuss the following (ALL points MUST be discussed):

  1. Indicate the two team members (and their roles in the project) that you have chosen to discuss:
  2. Indicate what competency they are lacking:
  3. Discuss how you would approach and address the situation based on your HR plan.
  1. During a project meeting, it is clear to you that two of your team members have conflicting views and you sense the presence of a covert conflict between the two.

Discuss how you would effectively manage this situation so that it does not negatively impact on the progress of the project.

  1. Although your company client had initially agreed to provide your project team with an additional staff member, you are informed by your project sponsor that you can no longer use that resource.

You are half way through your project. Discuss the following:

  1. The impact of this situation on the progress of your project:
  2. How you would manage the situation considering that you cannot afford to hire a new project team member due to budget constraints.

Consider your project, your project HR planning document and reflect on the issues addressed in the previous questions (assume that the scenarios in question 1, 2 and 3 happened during the execution phase of your project).

  1. Address the following (ALL points MUST be discussed):
  1. How would you disband the team at the end of the project?
  2. Consider that you have now completed your project and you are preparing your project review report.

Write an evaluation report on the HR plan (to include lesson learned and recommendations for future projects) addressed to your client. (Minimum 100 words)

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