BSBHRM417 Support Human Resources Functions and Processes - Research Report

Assistance on Role Play

Induction training

For this assessment task you are required to research about a company of your choice or the company suggested by the trainer/ assessor and assume working there as a HR Executive. Provide answers to the tasks in line with the company you chose and researched.

Part A - Report

You have to help in the induction training for new HR Executives. Their induction pack will include a number of documents and one of the document that you are required to prepare is a report (1500 words) including the following:

  • The company’s business strategies and the human resource strategy.
  • The roles and responsibilities of human resource practitioners.
  • The policies & procedures of the company that must be looked into by HR practitioners.
  • The various sources to obtain human resource data and information.
  • The various human resource networks for HR professionals in the industry this company belongs to
  • The ethical requirements associated with the human resource function.
  • Finally, document behaviours associated with working ethically in the given role and business.

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Part B – Role Play

On day 2 of the induction, you are required to coach the newly recruited HR Executives about the HR metrics used in the company.

  1. Prepare a training tool/ document like a short manual or a reference manual to be included in the induction pack.
  2. Using the same information, guide the new recruits in a role play during the class. Two fellow class mates will play the role of the new recruits and the trainer/ assessor will be observing this role play session.

You must include the following in your training/ coaching and explain:

  • Sources of workforce data & how to use them.
  • The relevant technologies to gather workforce data in order to review human resource function.
  • Collating and analysing data to establish key trends and critical information with example from the workplace.

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