ELE5ERM - Assignment 3: Technical Report/Thesis Research Methodology

Assignment Help on Research Methodology

Work Count: approximately 750-1000 words (Your References list is not included in the word count)

Relevant Subject Intended Learning Outcomes (SILOs)
• Describe how research fits into various engineering environments and plays a part in engineering design and problem formulation and solution (SILO 1)
• Select and analyse existing technical literature as it applies to a project and research question (SILO 2)
• Develop rigorous project plans and research methodologies to investigate and solve complex real-world engineering problems (SILO 3)
• Employ advanced communication skills by reporting research findings through documentation and presentations (SILO 5)

The Context:
Your literature review demonstrated that your research question is grounded in the accepted knowledge of your discipline, and where your research will make its contribution to what is already known about the topic.

Your Research Methodology sets out and justifies your approach to your research question, and creates the interpretive framework for your data – it asserts their validation through established research and accepted research methods. (Your interpretation of this data against what is already known in your field will become your contribution to filling the ‘knowledge gap’)

Your Research Methodology needs to explain how you will address your research question by: identifying and explaining your research approach to generating and validating data; identifying the methods you will use to generate and collect data; and the techniques you will use to interpret the data.

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The Task:
You are required to write a research methodology for your proposed thesis. Your Research Methodology must build on the research you conducted for your Literature Review, and have the same title and research question, as well as add to your references. You are required to have 8-12 references for your research methodology. Your additional references should focus on the research approach (quantitative, qualitative or mixed methods), the research design (a framework to validate data or accommodate more than one research method) and the research method(s) you will adopt to address your research question.

Your Research Methodology must:
• Briefly introduce the gap in the literature or field to which your work is responding
• Demonstrate an awareness of relevant approaches to generating and interpreting data in your research area. (You might need to justify your replication of, or departure from, these)
• Nominate the research approach that you will take to addressing your question and the researched assumptions on which it is based
• Set out and explain the research design to interpreting and validating your data
• Identify the research method(s) you will use to generate and collect data, based on established research
• Identity and explain the techniques you will use to interpret data, based on established research
• Speculate about the benefits of your research approach to the area – new knowledge contribution, extension of what is known, theoretical shifts etc.

The research skills you will demonstrate through your research methodology include:
• Locating, interpreting and referencing relevant research
• Formulating a research problem and aligning it to a research approach and methods
• Constructing a research design based on relevant research to validate data
• Creating a basis for a research approach by synthesising different research approaches or diverging from research approaches in your topic area through critical evaluation and analysis, supported by research

Please note: This assessment is supported by lectures and workshop activities, so ensure you attend the lectures and participate in your allocated workshop.

Submission Instructions:
• Include headings and subheadings where necessary.
• Include a References list.
• The References list and in-text referencing should be in APA7 style.
• Font should be size 11, Calibri style, 1.5 spaced and justified.
• Include your name and student number in the top left Header of each page.
• Complete and include the assignment cover sheet, which should contain your name and student number, workshop group and subject code.
• Include the marking rubric at the rear of the submission so that your assessment feedback can be returned to you online.
• You must upload your Research Methodology (via LMS) in PDF and consider the feedback before submitting your next assessment.

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