HSNS370 Transforming Nursing Practice 3 - Case Study Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Care Plan & Case Analysis

Assessment 3: Care Plan & Case Analysis

Weight: 50%

Must Complete: Yes

Word Length: 2000 words

Notes: Case Plan

This assessment relates to:
Learning Outcomes 3-5

Task Details

The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate how you will identify and analyse the role of the RN in providing health care to the older person and identify key priorities for their care. You are to choose from one of the two case studies, and complete both parts of this paper on the same case study:

Part 1: Care Plan (500 words)

Using the attached care plan, identify ALL of the actual nursing care problems in the selected case study. Determine how you, as the Registered Nurse, would create a care plan appropriate for the client.

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Part 2: Case Study Analysis (1,500 words)

Write an essay that demonstrates your understanding of the following in relation to the selected case study:

  1. Identify and analyse the appropriate RN responses to key issues related to older people's health and well-being.
  2. Critically analyse 3 key nursing priorities from the care plan and cite evidence supporting importance and relevance of the chosen priorities. 
  3. Describe and critically evaluate the role of the RN in assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating nursing care for an older person

Case Studies

Community Care Case Study 

Mr. Tom Heady is a 70-year-old Aboriginal man who is a new client of Farmdale Home Care Services. He comes from a big family, he is used to having his mob around him. He used to be physically active and involved in community activities. In the past month, his family have noted changes in his behaviour; last week they found him wandering down the street. He doesn’t seem to remember the incident. He doesn’t seem to remember a lot of things. Mr. Heady is most comfortable in his own home, he can get around without too much issues at his place. However his son has become very concerned about his change in behaviour and reduced health status. He isn't sure if his father is taking his regular medications for hypertension, cholesterol and diabetes. Mr. Heady's son has temporarily moved Mr. Heady to his house. Since the move, Mr. Heady has become more agitated as he struggles to orientate himself and is constantly bumping into furniture resulting in skin tears. He rarely goes out to community events and spends most of the day sitting in his chair.

Acute Care Case Study 

Mrs. Wei Leung is a 78 year old woman at Farmdale Aged Care. Over the past month, there has been a gradual decline in her health and ability to care for herself. Her mobility has drastically declined and as a result she has started using a 4 wheel walker, something she is not accustomed to using.  Mrs. Leung has been admitted to the Ward after sustaining a right neck of femur fracture after an un-witnessed fall this morning. She speaks very limited English and prefers to speak Mandarin. She also has difficulty hearing. Currently she is on strict bed rest while she awaits her operation. She has had a urinary catheter inserted and it is draining small amounts of concentrated urine. She is nil by mouth in preparation for her surgery this afternoon.

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