NURS2009 Health Maintenance and Restorative Nursing Care - Case Study Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Nursing Case Study

Learning outcome:

LO1: Apply knowledge in developing person-centred nursing care for health maintenance and restorative health across population groups.

LO2: Develop a comprehensive and integrative approach to assessment in primary health care settings.

LO3: Apply problem-solving and decision-making skills in providing patient-centred care that address health maintenance and restorative health and associated clinical challenges in primary care settings.


Case Study:

I am Rose. I am 31 and diagnosed with Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS). My mum is an Italian and my dad is Australian. I suffered depression when my mum passed away due to Multiple Sclerosis (MS). I have not been married and no kids. I live in a small house in the regional area of Cairns, QLD. I have been smoking for the last 10 years. I have a sister who lives nearby and comes often. I am working as a cleaner. I cannot work well due to the worsening symptoms like vision problem, dizziness, fatigue, muscle pain, and lower limb weakness.

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Section A (400wds)

Once you have gained an understanding of the patient, describe the chronic condition in terms of aetiology and prognosis. Outline barriers in accessing and receiving care and services to meet her needs. Think about barriers such as language, mobility, cultural, financial.

Section B (600 wds)

Explore approaches/strategies that you could use to engage with the client and facilitate self-management of the person’s chronic condition.

        • Communication style best suited to the person’s needs; 
        • Types of assessments they require (eg psychosocial, physical) that would best facilitate positive outcomes for the person;
        • Types of resources available to meet the person’s care needs including local resources available where the person resides.
        • Types of multi-disciplinary team members who would best support the person’s needs and what each would do eg does the person need a physio for pain/mobility or an OT for modifications around the home?

Section C (100wds)

Conclude with a short conclusion to wrap up the case study.

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