Assessment Task 1: Explain the Development and Principles of Multiliteracies and Multimodalities With Reference to Classroom Studies

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Detailed requirements for Assessment Task 1: Explain the development and principles of multiliteracies and multimodalities with reference to classroom studies

Objectives: a, b, and d | Weight: 50% | Length: 1500 words including references

Due: Friday 9 September by 9:00 pm

Background: The New Literacy Studies (NLS) is a key concept that frames our study of Multiliteracies and Multimodalities.

Aim: This task is designed to consolidate and demonstrate your understanding of historical and theoretical underpinnings of multiliteracies – as exemplified in the New Literacy Studies – and its application in classroom literacy practices.

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Structure: The task is structured in two parts as follows:

  • In the first part of the task, you will explain the historical development of multiliteracies, as exemplified in NLS, and describe the theoretical principles and key features which distinguish this approach from other models of literacy (~ 700 words)
    • This part must be supported by reference to at least two subject readings
  • In the second part of the task, you will analyse two scholarly studies of classroom practice and explain how those studies exemplify theoretical principles of multiliteracies pedagogy (~ 700 words)
    • The scholarly studies will be supplied by the lecturer
    • This part must be supported by reference to at least one subject reading plus reference to the two selected classroom studies


Follow the formatting guide in the Assessment Information folder. Submit your assignment in Word format, NOT pdf


A minimum of 5 readings (3 subject readings + 2 scholarly studies) must be cited and included in the reference list. Each in-text citation must include a page number that supports the specific point you make in your writing. Your in-text citations and reference list must be formatted in APA v7 style. The library provides an APA style guides:


Ensure your writing maintains a formal, academic register with a minimum of 5 readings from the subject, all cited correctly. As academic writing and citations are hurdle requirements for this task any work that has not been proofread for spelling, punctuation and grammatical accuracy and/or APA v7 referencing that is not used accurately for in-text citations and the reference list will not be assessed.

Work that does not meet the required standard of academic writing will have one opportunity to be resubmitted with corrections within one week of notification. Resubmitted work will receive a maximum grade of a 50% Pass.

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