MGT600 Reflective Writing: Management - Reflective Analysis

Reflective Writing: Management

An organisation is a collection of people with diverse skills, resources, assets, and abilities working together to achieve a common goal. The success of an organisation is dependent on the competence of the manager based on his/her ability to make appropriate planning, organising, coordinating, and allocating resources (human, technological, and financial) to get things done. Management is an art and science that involve various activities and practices that require many skills, knowledge, and competence. A manager’s work is to stir the organisation into victory irrespective of the prevailing external environment by creating an enabling environment that makes the internal environment supportive and conducive for success. This involves various practices such as motivating and influencing employees, resolving conflicts, and utilising communication skills during negotiations.

The principles of management proposed by Henri Fayol are critical in explaining organisational and individual performance. Fayol highlights the division of work as the principle of specialization which is a necessary factor for effective utilisation of labour (Peaucelle & Guthrie, 2015). This is an important element within an organisation in managing human resources. Within an organisation, people specialise in different fields such as engineering, accounting, administrative, and management among others. Specialisation in a field enhances personal competence which contributes as part of the collective performance-enhancing the position of the organisation. Specialisation defines who does what task in an organisation which enhances teamwork and reduces conflict of interests.

The manager has the mandate to use his authority and responsibility to drive the organisation towards success.  According to this principle, the position of a manager give him/her official authority to implement policies, offer guidelines, and make necessary changes and interventions that propel the firm towards its goals. On the other hand, a personal authority such as intelligence, moral worth, past services, and experiences are critical in decision making, influencing and motivating other employees, and addressing internal issues that need an immediate resolution. The manager must get the best out of individual employee and team of workers to realise the organisational goals (Dobre, 2013). This is achievable through various strategies and interventions such as motivation, creating a friend workplace environment, and establishing a conflict resolution through effective communication.

Employees need the motivation to maintain high performance and align their individual goals with organisational goals. Motivating employees is dependent on individual worker making in a personal affair. The manager should understand the dynamics underlying important workplace behaviours such as job performance, workplace absenteeism, and turnover.

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