MGT502 Business Communication - Assignment Solution

Internal (Downward) Communication

The facilitator uses internal (downward) communication to share messages and information with the students. In this form of business communication, the messages flow down from the top level of the hierarchy towards the lower levels. The very same path is then utilized for responding to the messages and instructions issued by the facilitator (Lunenburg, 2010). 

Characteristics of Internal (Downward) Communication


This form of business communication is rather efficient because information, messages and instructions flow from the authoritative sources that keep a check on all the activities. For example, teachers issue instructions to the students either directly or through the class representative. Students then receive feedback from the teachers on their performances. 

Avoiding By-passing of Hierarchy

With this form of communication, messages are flown down the hierarchy in an organized chain. Therefore, the chances of by-passing a subordinate to deliver a message to someone are greatly reduced. 

Effective Communication and Allotment of Goals and Responsibilities

It becomes very easy for the facilitator to communicate goals. Besides, assigning duties to the students alluding to the ways the goals could be achieved also becomes fairly simple.

Ease of Delegation

When the structure of communication is vertical depicting the hierarchy, delegation of responsibilities becomes much easier (Tourish, 2010).

Explanation of Complex Problems

It happens a lot of times that students find themselves in a dire need of guidance and explanation. In such distressing circumstances, the facilitators are likely to adopt downward communication to provide the necessary clarifications and guidance.

Marinating Discipline

Facilitators tend to adopt internal (downward) communication as a means of connecting with the students after conforming to the official rules of the institution. Therefore, this form of business communication facilitates in the establishment of discipline in the institution.

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