TCS302 Guidance Of Children Behaviour - Assignment Solution


Every child is different by nature. Caregivers and parents who understand the difference among children may raise them better than those who do not understand the difference among them. Expectations of children behaviour vary from family to family and culture. In some cultures, children are exposed to higher values than other cultures, which significantly influences their behaviour. Often, it becomes necessary to take control of how a child must respond to certain situations. Thus, behaviour guidance is a kind of recreational and educational program to communicate and interact with the children in challenging situations. 

In the following research paper, we will discuss contemporary theories relate to the guidance of children’s behaviour in the early childhood setting. This report aims to study the possible strategies to address inappropriate behaviour among children. Further in this research paper, the impact of factors underpinning children’s behaviour will be discussed. The following research paper is designed in a way that it studies the factors leading to inappropriate behaviour in children and to compare and characterise children’s behaviour to develop the strategies to strengthen their sense of wellbeing. 


 The concept of “behaviour guidance” is often used to reflect the attempt on the most effective and positive ways to train children upon learning skills to manage their behaviour (Victoria State Government, 2017). The behavioural guidance to children is a systematic process where punishments and unreasonable discipline needs to be avoided as the child may get physically and emotionally harmed. 

Promoting a sense of security and belonging in children

From the time of birth, children are exposed to primary socialisation which begins from learning behaviour and attitude portrayed by immediate family. Thus, it makes them learn to manage their feelings and behaviour. Primary socialisation plays a crucial role in influencing personality development in children. Therefore, respectful, positive and light daily interactions with the children can help them to become considerate and harmonious beings (Rothenberg et al, 2017). The figure below represents how adults support children and provide a solid base for children to build their behaviour on it. 

By the school age, children often learn to become flexible, and better in controlling their actions and emotions. As they learn to self-regulate them, their relations with other children gets stronger, they become more attentive and learn new activities on regular basis. 

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