HIS3AAH Research Essay Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Research Questions

Write a 2000 word research essay on one of the following questions:

  1. How does Banivanua Mar’s concept of ‘imperial literacy’ help us to understand resistance in the early years of the Australian colonies?
  1. To what extent was the invasion of the place we now call Victoria different from other Australian colonies?
  2. How did gender shape the experiences of Aboriginal people living on missions?
  3. Has participation in EITHER war OR sport helped or hindered Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander

peoples’ fight for equality?

  1. What arguments did Aboriginal activists in the interwar period use to lobby for their rights?
  2. How should historians approach records created by settler colonial governments and research institutions?
  3. To what extent were the Australian Civil Rights and Black Power movements influenced by overseas events?
  4. Critique the concept of the ‘tide of history’, as used in the Yorta Yorta Native Title
  5. Using examples, show how art, popular music and film can support
  6. A question of your own
    • If you choose create your own question you should email or speak to one of the teaching staff regarding your proposed topic/question.

Creative formats:

  • Students are welcome to respond to one of the questions above using a creative format (for example a song, poem, painting, or photo essay) with an accompanying exegesis of 800-1000 words. The exegesis MUST engage with the subject themes, materials and show research. The number of primary and secondary sources you are required to consult (as described below) remains the same. Please reach out to one of the teaching staff if you would like to explore this option.

Submission guidelines:

  • Submit your essay as a double-spaced Word file (not pdf) via
  • If you encounter technical problems with submission, take a screenshot, email your tutor immediately and attach a copy of your
  • You can revisit or the topic or themes you covered for your Primary Source Analysis, but you will have to take care to produce wholly new Check with your tutor, just to be sure.


  • Double-space the body of your essay, using a clear 12pt font (such as Times New Roman or Arial), leaving generous (3cm)
  • Footnotes should be 8 to 10pt font, single
  • Bibliographies should be split into Primary and Secondary sources, single-spaced, alphabetised, with hanging


  • You will need to reference at least six quality secondary sources to achieve a passing grade. Use the relevant week or weeks in the course guide as a start. You should aim for at least 50% of your secondary sources to be Indigenous-authored.
  • Please include at least two primary sources in your These must be in addition to, and not in place of, the secondary sources.
  • You should have a central argument or thesis, which you support with the use of extensive
  • Do not simply present information or tell a story: instead, you should offer critical analysis, informed by your
  • For a higher grade, you will need to show a broader level of research beyond the absolute minimum of
  • Your secondary sources must be of a scholarly, academic quality, from a peer-reviewed journal or university-level book. Websites, dictionaries, encyclopedias, newspaper articles, government fact sheets, statistics etc do not If in doubt, ask!
  • Remember, First Nations people, communities, knowledge, voices and histories should be your chief focus, not just the Europeans who had connection with them (even though Europeans often authored the historical record). Where possible, always seek out the Indigenous perspective, and read archives against the


  • Your references must be cited correctly, according to the Oxford (footnoting)
  • You must include a Bibliography.
  • It is essential to give precise page numbers in the footnotes, showing where your information comes 1
  • Second and subsequent mentions of the same source in your footnotes should be 2
  • You can reference multiple sources in a single footnote. Separate each individual entry with a semi-
  • Check the Library’s referencing tool for correct formats: http://www.lib.latrobe.edu.au/referencing- tool/oxford

Appropriate Language use:

  • Ideally, be specific (such as Yorta Yorta man William Cooper; Noongar people; Pintupi
  • Aboriginal and Indigenous must be
  • Avoid outdated or grammatically incorrect terminology (see below), and offensive terms should only be used if directly quoting from a historical source. Marks will be deducted for lack of care with appropriate language
  • See the Guide to Terminology Tile on LMS for further information.

Word count:

  • Your word count can be 10% under or over the target. In a 2000-word essay, this equates to 1800- 2200
  • The word count does NOT include footnotes and bibliography; double-check your settings if using the word count tool.

1 Patsy Cameron, Grease and Ochre: The Blending of two cultures at the colonial sea frontier (Launceston: Fuller’s Bookshop and University of Tasmania, 2011), 62.

2 Cameron, Grease and Ochre, 185.

Use of quotations:

  • Do not use extensive quotations – it is better to demonstrate your understanding by paraphrasing and acknowledging (using footnotes) the source you have Quotations should enhance or inform your own writing, not replace it.
  • A quote should not occupy an entire Quotations should be incorporated into your own writing, and ideally introduced: for example, “As historian John Maynard observes…”
  • Do not use quotations or introduce new evidence in your conclusion. Ideally, this also goes for the introduction – a short quote can be useful as an epigraph, but generally the introduction paragraph should be your own

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