Analyze Annual Financial Report of ASX Listed Company - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Report Analysis

This assessment is a group assessment of maximum THREE and requires you to critically report and analyze the following THREE parts on an annual financial report of an Australian Stock Exchange (ASX) listed company with a number of operating segments like Coles group or Woolworths. In particular, you need to select a company from one of its eight industry categories. Visit the ASX all industries, state the name of the industry groups and the industry you have selected to pick your company of interest. The industry groups have been specifically categorized in the Yahoo finance Australia which can be accessed at (Links to an external site.). More specifically, the assessment requires you to academically report and evaluate the following specific THREE parts:

Part # 1: [30 marks, 600 words]

  1. Introduce the background of the selected company;
  2. Discuss the major operations/businesses of the company;
  3. Discuss the basis of consolidation of the company;
  4. Interpretate the consolidated financial statements, e.g trend/ratios.

[Hint: You need to rewrite the information to be extracted from the company and interpret the performance of the company based on its financial statistics. Most of the information is available on the website or annual report of the company]

Part # 2: [30 marks, 600 words]

  1. Discuss the basic concept/understanding of determining goodwill;
  2. Discuss the basis applied by the group in determining their goodwill;
  3. Report the amount of goodwill of the group as reported in the financial position of the group.

[Hint: You will get the information about goodwill under intangible assets of the company. Visit the notes to the financial statements]

Part # 3: [30 marks, 700 words]

This part relates to the foreign currency transactions of a company with operations across countries and hence the company regularly involves in transactions with its counterparts and sometimes with its foreign operating segments. This part thus requires you to:

  1. Demonstrate your understanding of foreign currency transactions followed by empirically demonstrating foreign currency transactions and translations for the selected company. Beyond demonstrating your understanding of foreign currency transactions, you also need to:
  2. Discuss the foreign currency policies of the company/group.
  3. State the functional currency of the company/group, foreign currency translation basis, and policy of reporting the gains/losses of the translation.

[Hint: Visit the notes to the financial statements]

You need to write an abstract at the beginning of the case study report where you are required to state what you actually reported. [05 marks, 100 words]

You must give the adequate references in Harvard format and write academically with minimum syntax errors. [05 marks]

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