COIT20248 Information Systems Analysis and Design - Case Study Assignment Help

Assignment Help on (NQAC) Business Case Study


In this assessment, you need to complete your assigned tasks and produce an individual report for submission. Your submission for this assessment should be in professional, essay format, and it should follow the predetermined layout and required contents as stated in the Section “Layout of Your Report” (on pages 2 to 3 of this specification document).

Your submitted report (in an MS Word document) will be checked by a computerized copy detection system (Turnitin) for copied and plagiarized work. Copying (plagiarism) can incur penalties ranging from deduction of marks to failing the unit or even exclusion from the University. Please ensure that you are familiar with the University’s Plagiarism Policy.


Assessment 3 is a continuum of Assessments 2 and, thus, is also related to the  same project case study (NQ Air Conditioning Installers (NQAC)).

Required Tasks in This Assignment

Assuming that the waterfall model has been chosen for implementing the new system.  Also, assuming that some parts of programs have been written/implemented and are ready, whereas some other parts/programs are not yet ready.  Complete the following tasks and document your work in your submission:

  1. Testing:
    1. List and discuss the various types of testing.
    2. Identify (and explain why) which types of testing are applicable to the new NQAC.
    3. For each applicable type of testing identified in (b) above, discuss in detail the following:
      • When (i.e., in what phase(s) of the software development life cycle) should this type of testing be conducted?
      • The procedures for applying this type of
      • The follow-up procedures in testing after checking the testing
      • Who are the main stakeholders involved in this type of testing?
    4. As stated in the NQAC business case, the current system is a primitive and manual. On the other hand, the new system should be more sophisticated and should be run on a Web It implies that the new system will need the historical data to be transformed in to new data files and a new database must be created to support the operation of the new system. In view of this requirement, what task/activity must be done to create these data files (or the database)? How should this task/activity be conducted? Please note you are not asked to create a data file or data base you only need to describe where how and by whom the new data will be prepared.
  2. Because the new system is running on a platform which is different from the existing system, the design of the new system will be largely different from the existing In view of this, describe in detail what techniques the project team can implement to help end users familiar with the operation of the new system. For each of these techniques, discuss its advantages and disadvantages.
  3. In view of the business operations of NQAC, which system deployment option should be used? Why? How to apply this option in NQAC? (Note: In this task, select the most appropriate In other words, you are not allowed to select two or more options.)

Layout of Your Report

Your report should be organized using the following headings and guidelines:

A “Separate” Cover Title Page

  • Should include the word count of your report in this cover page. If the word count of your report falls outside the range “1,500 words” (word count includes all contents except the cover title page and references), marks may be deducted from your

An Introduction

  • Briefly discuss the overall content of this

Task 1

  • Discuss in detail all the questions and sub-questions of this

Task 2

  • Discuss in detail all the questions and sub-questions of this

Task 3

  • Discuss in detail all the questions and sub-questions of this

Task 4

  • Discuss in detail all the questions and sub-questions of this

Note: In Tasks 1 to 4 above, you may include figures to illustrate/support your answers, if you think that this is appropriate.


  • Briefly summarize the content of the whole


  • This section should include at least five references with their related in-text citations. Among these five references, at least three should be journal articles or conference papers. All references must be cited using the Harvard Referencing Style.

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