ITECH3001 User Experience - Evaluating a System - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on System Evaluation

Assignment objectives

  • Investigate the techniques for evaluating systems as described in the literature
  • Design and conduct usability evaluation for a chosen system
  • Analyse and interpret the data and results from the evaluation
  • Report on the results and recommend for improvement of the evaluated system

Details of written components


You will select one of the websites from the list of charities provided on Moodle. The assignment involves conducting a usability test on that website, interpreting the results and writing recommendations in the form of a report on any changes needed. Your report should be presented clearly enough so that it will be ready to be submitted to the charity.

Each of the charities listed have requested a usability evaluation of their website. The written component of the assignment must be based on your ACTUAL usability test on REAL users and should contain the following:

  • A discussion, based on the literature, of the different approaches for assessing or testing usability with more detail on the use of usability testing for evaluating systems or websites.
  • A brief description of the website selected for the usability evaluation. This should include the purpose of the website, the audience and the objectives of the organisation with respect to their website as determined by the charity.
  • For the usability test you must:
  • Describe how the usability testing was conducted, and rationale for the approach. You may use the usability instrument provided on Moodle or a similar version (but improved version). The description should include a justification of the number of users, selection of users, the instrument you used for your test (the survey questions), the task you

designed for the test etc.

  • Design one practical scenario and test its usability
  • A critical discussion of the method (good or useful aspects, difficult or poor aspects).
  • A page to summarize and list your recommendations for changes to the website with supporting evidence. Think about what you think key personnel in the charity will want to know about how well their website is performing.

It should be noted that this is not an exclusive list but suggestions of how you might approach the assignment. Your presentation must be brief and between 10-12 A4 pages with 12pt font.

Your report must be written for scanning rather than for reading. Use dot lists, numbered lists, tables and levelled headings to organize your ideas and content as demonstrated in this document. To support your arguments, use screenshots, graphs and actual data from your test and cite references across your document.

You also need to prepare a PowerPoint document up to 5 slides to summarize your assignment 2 work. This will be used for a 5 minutes mini presentation on week 11 tutorial and will be posted in week 11 tutorial forum.

Please use the attached marking guide as a guide to the work and content required for this assignment.

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