MMS711 Introduction to the Sport Industry - Take Home Exam Help

Assignment Help on Open-book Take Home Online Exam


  • The final assessment will be an Open-book Take Home Online Exam.
  • The exam will be released on the unit CloudDeakin site in the Content area, under Assessment Resources at the date/time scheduled in the University Exam T1 2022 timetable
  • You must complete the task individually.
  • The exam is similar to a normal two-hour open-book exam. It comprises 6 questions. Each question may have parts. You must complete all parts of all questions.
  • The exam will take you approximately 2 hours of working time, although you have 24 hours to complete and submit it. Late submission may result in your exam submission not being marked.
  • Check that you have uploaded the correct exam to the DropBox.
  • The 24-hour deadline is well beyond the actual time required to complete the Open-book Take Home Online Exam. If you are well-prepared, the exam should take about the same time to complete as a two-hour problem-style exam.
  • The reason for the additional time in the 24-hour deadline is to allow you to complete the task at a time that suits your personal circumstances.
  • If you have more than one Online Exam within the 24-hour period, this will not be grounds for any extra time or dispensation given the length of time allowed.

To complete the exam

  • On the day and time of the exam, download the exam from the CloudDeakin site using the following pathway:
    • Content (from the navbar) 
    • Assessment Resources 
      • IMPORTANT Examination Information  
        • T1 2022 MMS711 Exam  
  • Download and save the exam on your computer as a Microsoft Word Document using the following file name: student id, MMS711 Introduction to the Sport Industry, for example 123456789_MMS711_Introduction to the Sport Industry.doc (or .docx)
  • Type your responses directly under each question.
  • Save your work regularly while responding to the exam questions.
  • There is a maximum word limit for your exam response of 2,000 words—any words beyond that will not be marked. There is no 10% leeway.
  • Be careful to respond explicitly to the questions asked. Do not copy large amounts of information from study guides, textbooks, journals, or online sources as this is unlikely to address the questions. If you use direct quotations from external sources, ensure you cite them correctly and put them in quotation marks.
  • It is important you respond to the questions using your own words as your submitted exam response will be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.

Structure and formatting

  • Students should respond to questions in text/sentence form. Where appropriate bullet-point responses are acceptable.
  • As this is an exam, it is not expected that you will use external references in your response. However, if you do use external sources you need to cite them according to APA (7th Edition) referencing conventions.


The Open-book Online Exam could assess all topics covered in the unit.  Students should review all aspects of the course in preparation for their assessment.


  • You must submit your work as a single Word document into the relevant Dropbox on the unit’s CloudDeakin site.
  • You will have 24 hours from the time of the release of the exam to upload your response into the relevant Dropbox.
  • If you experience ongoing technical difficulties during the exam period, contact the IT Service Desk online or via phone – please ensure you record your ticket number the IT Service Desk will provide as evidence of technical difficulties:
    • Internal phones: 888
    • Off-campus: 1800 463 888
    • International: +61 3 5227 8888
  • If you have completed your exam but experience difficulty uploading your response to the Dropbox on the unit site, you should email your response to the unit chair at [email protected], before the deadline, as evidence of timely submission, as well as contacting the IT Service Desk. Please use ‘exam submission’ as the email subject. Your unit chair will liaise with you for subsequent submission to the DropBox.


  • A reliable internet connection is vital for the exam. You will also need to have the appropriate computer hardware for downloading the exam, completing the exam and uploading it to the CloudDeakin Dropbox on the day of the exam.
  • If you do not have access to a computer or the Internet, subject to COVID-19 restrictions, there may be limited availability to sit the exam on campus.
  • If you wish to sit the exam on campus you must formally apply for this in accordance with the specified timelines, to the University using the webform. A link to the webform will be made available on the CloudDeakin site.

The best way to prepare for the Open-book Take Home Online Exam is to:

  • Know the unit materials thoroughly.
  • Complete the revision as recommended by the unit chair.
  • Before the exam, think about the content covered in the unit. Think about the type of questions which could be asked and prepare notes related to those questions.
  • Note that you are unlikely to have access to e-textbooks provided through the Deakin Library during your exam due to licensing constraints, therefore, you should prepare your own study notes in advance.
  • This Open-book Take Home Online Exam contains problem-based and application based, not research, questions. You can base your answers on the unit resources. You will not be expected to access other resources.

Working and Submission details

  • You must keep a backup copy of the exam response you submit until results are released.
  • You can (but do not need to) make multiple submissions within the 24 hour period. All submissions will be retained. The submission that will be marked will be the last submission made by the submission due date/time.
  • When you submit your response in the Dropbox on the unit site, you will receive an email to your Deakin email address confirming that it has been submitted. You should check that you can see your submission in the Submissions view of the Assessment task Dropbox folder after upload, and check for, and keep, the email receipt for the submission.
  • If you fail to upload your response by the deadline, your response may not be marked.
  • Once the exam is released the unit team is not permitted to answer any further questions about it. If you feel there are errors or other issues on the exam, you should briefly explain in your response any such issue and how you have dealt with it in your response (for example, any assumptions you have made about the information provided).
  • Discussion boards will be closed 24 hours prior to the exam.
  • You should not contact the unit team about the exam during or after the exam unless you need to email your submission to the unit chair due to a technical issue uploading to CloudDeakin.
  • Do not contact the unit team regarding any extension for this task. If you feel there are circumstances beyond your control that have affected your ability to complete this exam, then you must apply for Special Consideration via the faculty portal; information is available from this site:

Academic Integrity

  • All Deakin students are expected to act with academic integrityin accordance with the student academic integrity policy and procedure. 
  • This means you must submit your own work without input or assistance from anybody else.  
  • Your submission will be checked by electronic or other means for the purposes of detecting collusion and/or plagiarism.
  • For more information about academic misconduct, special consideration, extensions, and assessment feedback, please refer to the document Your rights and responsibilities as a student in this Unit in the first folder next to the Unit Guide of the Resources area in the CloudDeakin unit site.

Assessment Feedback

  • Results will be released as per the T1 University calendar.
  • Written feedback is not provided on exams.
  • Students can make an online appointment to get feedback on their exam following the final results release for T1 2022.

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