EDU5003 Building Strategic Partnerships - Assignment 2

Assignment Help on Major Essay

Task 2 – Major Essay – Sunday 5 June

Grading Criteria and Feedback
Hurdle Requirements

1.     The essay has a title that clearly identifies the theme or topic

2.     Student name and ID number on every page of the essay

3.     Pages have been numbered

4.     Text is left justified

5.     Font is clear and the equivalent of 12 pt Times New Roman

6.     Proper referencing is attempted and is in APA 6 style (APA 7 preferred).

Description of Task
Partnerships are increasingly becoming popular everywhere. Identify a need for forming partnerships with other organisations. Describe your organisation and the context. Identify opportunities for forming strategic partnerships
with other organisations. Forming this partnership will require you to include all the stages from building, implementing, and evaluating.

You have complete freedom in this task. You get to completely create the setting and the partnership you’re trying to foster to demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the issues present in building partnerships. A majority of students usually focus this discussion around the SWOT analysis as it does cover all of the criteria. Feel free to go about this task anyway you like, it is a master’s level course after all, but if you’re at all unsure, stick to using the SWOT analysis as the driving force behind your assessment piece.

Here are some tips to consider:

Develop a vision and plan for the partnerships. Give both your needs and your strengths – Identify the market and stakeholders; this includes carrying out a SWOT analysis.

Include your communication plan both external and internal How would you plan for sustainability? What are your values?

What would be your policy considerations?

What type of organisational strategy would you suggest? Conclude with appropriate references.

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