ECTPP302A Reflective And Professional Practice - Report and Audio-Visual Presentation

Assignment Help on Reflective Practice

Assessment Event 2 – Report and Audio-Visual Presentation

Title: Images of children

Weighting: 40%

Length: 3000 words


Report - Week 8 (Sunday 11.59pm) Presentations - Weeks 10, 11, 12

Learning outcomes: 1, 2 and 3

An important aspect of an early childhood teacher’s role is reflective practice. This assessment requires you to reflect on your image of the child. This image of the child shapes our interactions with children, including our practice as teachers.

Malaguzzi (1994, p. 1) states: “Your Image of the Child: Where teaching begins”. For this assessment you will need to:

  • Explain your perspective of how you view children and
  • Reflect on your image of the child. Analyse what this child looks like, and describe how you arrived at this image.
  • Analyse the implications of the image of the child for your pedagogical beliefs and your
  • Investigate current images of children, for example; power relations; children’s agency and children are ‘for the future’. Critically reflect on how dominant discourses influence these
  • Develop your report and audio-visual presentation and include references to theories and educational philosophies.

Present your findings in both written report and a brief (10-15 minutes) audio-visual presentation.


Malaguzzi, L. (1994). Your image of the child: Where teaching begins. Exchange, (3).

Your assessment should show evidence that you have read widely on the topic beyond the supplied readings and texts. Your assessment must use correct referencing, in APA 7th Edition style.

All submissions must comply with the requirements listed in the Student Handbook for this course. The criteria for marking this assessment are given below.

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