Task summary and instructions | |
What is this assessment task about? | You are an administrative officer at GMC and your Manager asked you to make an environmental and sustainability assessment of GMC.
For this assessment task, you will be using the premises of Greenwich Management College (GMC) or an alternative venue as instructed by the trainer and assessor as a simulated work environment and your assessor will play the role of your manager. This task comprises of the following assessment methods: o Product-based ☒ o Direct observation of Role-Play ☒ o Case Study ☐ o Other (specify) ☐ It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in: · Identify sustainable work practices in own work role · Measure current usage of resources in own work role · Record and file resource usage documents · Identify resource inefficiencies from gathered information · Identify and comply with workplace sustainability procedures · Identify workplace environmental hazards according to environmental regulations and standards · Report any breaches and potential breaches to organisational personnel · Identify areas of improvement to work practices in own work area · Consult with colleagues and management to assess potential to improve sustainability of identified work practices · Make suggestions for improvements to workplace practices in own work area Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above. You are required to address the following: Task 2.1 Measure sustainable work practices · Fill out the Sustainability Assessment Form for GMC. · Identify resources and usage · Identify workplace environmental hazards and remedial actions · Report workplace environmental hazards Task 2.2 Comply with environmental regulations and seek opportunities for improvement · Role-Play with the Sustainability Committee (played by two of your classmates in a simulated work environment) to discuss the results of the Task 2.1 · Summarise the outcomes of the meeting Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such. |
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? | · submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
· complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner, · use your own words and reference sources appropriately, · meet the word count where required, · use the scenario provided, · use the templates provided where required, · for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria, · if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance. |
Specifications | You must deliver/participate in:
· Meeting with the Sustainability Committee in week 5 You must submit to GOALS · Sustainability Assessment Form in Task 2.1A · Resource use table in Task 2.1B · Environmental hazard Checklist in Task 2.1C · Email to manager in Task 2.1D · Observation Checklist for meeting with Sustainability Committee in Task 2.2 · Summary of outcome of meeting in Task 2.2 |
Resources and equipment | • Computer with Internet access
• Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software • Learning material • Scenario for assessment as provided • Appendices as provided • Relevant policies and procedures as provided • Templates as provided |
Re-submission opportunities | You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment. |
Complete the following activities:
Task 2.1 Measure sustainable work practices
You are an administrative officer at GMC and your Manager asked you to make an environmental and sustainability assessment of GMC.
- Workplace environmental and resource efficiency issues
Follow the instructions:
- You are to look at as many rooms as possible, asking permission before entering if it is an office, or an area where students do not normally have access.
- Take some time to do this, as you will make different observations at different times during the day. Take into consideration the working day and the working week of the institution. Among the questions that you should ask yourself should be:
- Are lights turned off at night?
- Do any taps leak?
- Do the toilets have multiple flush options?
- What proportion of the staff and students drive to and from the GMC?
- Is recycled paper used for printing?
- Is double-sided printing encouraged?
- Fill out the Sustainability Assessment Form for GMC.
Use the template below and follow the instructions.
Template 1 - Sustainability Assessment Form
Sustainability Practices
Current Usage
- Resource use
Identify and list 4(four) resources used by you during a 24-hour period. Assess the usage/day using appropriate techniques (such as measuring litres of water consumed every day).
Example: water usage, how many litres/days?
- Workplace environmental hazards
Identify and list 3 (three) workplace environmental hazards at GMC.
Use the checklist below (Template 2) to conduct a workplace environmental hazards inspection. Contextualize the checklist as appropriate, ask your trainer for guidance.
- Report workplace environmental hazards
Write an email to your manager summarising the content of the hazard report and attach the checklist.
Report any breaches or potential breaches and cite the relevant legislation.
This will ensure that appropriate actions will be taken to ensure compliance.
Note: you don’t have to send the email, just use the template below to simulate the writing of the email.
Template 3 – Email Template
Email to Manager |
To: |
Cc: |
Bcc: |
Subject: |
Date email is sent: |
Attachments: |
Task 2.2 Support sustainable work practices and seek opportunities to improve sustainable work practices
According to the GMC policy and procedures for sustainability, you will have to report your findings from Task 2.1 to the Sustainability Committee.
- This task is a Role-Play that requires you to meet with the Sustainability Committee (played by two of your classmates in a simulated work environment) to discuss the results of the Sustainability Assessment (Task 2.1)
Follow these steps:
- Schedule a time with your classmates to meet (week 5 of class)
- The meeting will be a role-play in which your classmates will play the part of committee members and you will present your findings.
- This is an assessable task and the trainer will observe and evaluate your performance during the meeting.
- Duration of the meeting: 10-15 minutes.
- If you are absent from class, liaise with your trainer to make alternative arrangements.
Before the meeting:
- Have the documents developed in Task 2.1 ready
- Be ready to discuss your findings, solutions to improve resource efficiency and achieve GMC the goal for the 2021 of reducing energy consumption and waste by 10%:
- Read the outcome of the sustainability assessment again so that you can discuss it with the committee
- Identify areas for improvement and list remedial actions
- Identify the benefits
During the meeting:
- Show your completed sustainability assessment documents to your classmates
- Discuss your findings with the committee members, clearly explaining the information and your ideas
- Explain to the committee members the improvement solutions you suggest and how you would achieve the sustainability goal
- Explain the benefits to the business of adopting the solutions
- Ask your classmates for comments and suggestions
- Take notes about the feedback received
After the meeting:
Summarise the outcomes of the meeting below, specifying possible areas of improvement to workplace practices in your work area (50-80 words)
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