MA509 Accounting Information Systems

Assignment Help on MA509 Business Process Documentation Techniques

Assessment Task Description

You are required to complete an academic paper about the following topic: 

Explain in detail what a cryptocurrency is and how it works

You are to cover these points in your paper:

How a cryptocurrency works and its valuation

The accounting issues around recording a cryptocurrency

Limitations and difficulties with cryptocurrencies

*Types of plagiarism or academic misconduct:

  • Sham Paraphrasing Material has been copied exactly from the source and has been acknowledged with an in-text citation but has not been quoted; There is a reference list.
  • Illicit Paraphrasing Material has been paraphrased from the source without any in-text citation; There is a reference list.
  • Exact Copying Material has been copied exactly from the source without any in-text citation; There is a reference list.
  • No Referencing There is no in-text citations nor a reference list.
  • Collusion Material has been copied from another student’s work;
  • Recycling The same assignment submitted in more than one unit;
  • Contract Cheating The assignment has been written by a third party and the students is claiming it as their own work.

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