Assignment Help on Essay (note not a report)


Assignment 1: Essay (note not a report) in an essay you are required to analyse, evaluate and produce a line of argument in response to the essay title below the following quote:

Essay title:

Compare and critically analysethe differences between a traditional for-profitcentric enterprise modeland employee focused, led or owned alternative business organisation models (e.g. cooperatives, Buurtzorg, Scandinavian). Consider the differences in terms ofbusiness priorities, values, leadership/management style and approach, and how the organisational culture of each type of organisation influences internal communication, staff engagement and how these can impact the commercial success of these two types of organisation(refer to real examples and conduct primary research where possible). Answer all parts of this question.

Length Guide:    2,000 words excluding the reference listof a minimum of 20 entries (Ss to search www.emeraldinsight.comand/ or googlescholar.co.uk

  Students must list a minimum of 10 recent journal articles since 2012 to 2022

Deadline: Submit 9 April 2022in class a paper copy to your tutor

 also upload digitally to TURNITIN via elearn/Blackboard –attach the feedback sheet

Note:this is an academic piece of work, and you must draw on relevant literature.

This assignment constitutes 50% of your overall mark for the module.

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