HSN701 Principles of Nutrition - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on HSN701 Omega 3 Case Study

AT2 Assignment 1 overview Topic

The case for and against release of a new Omega 3 fatty acid supplement to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in adults: Evaluation and recommendations.

 Background and Objective

Dementia is a global health priority affecting approximately 50 million people around the world. There are nearly 10 million new cases every year and this figure is predicted to triple by 2050. In Australia, dementia is the second leading cause of death and is associated with significant financial burden for governments, communities, families and individuals. Due to the progressive and currently incurable nature of dementia, focus needs to be directed at factors that may slow preclinical cognitive decline to ultimately reduce incident dementia at the population level.

While non-modifiable risk factors such as age and genetics are strong predictors of cognitive decline and dementia, there is a growing evidence base supporting a relationship between the development of cognitive decline and dementia with lifestyle-related factors such as diet, physical activity, tobacco use and harmful use of alcohol. You have been employed as a nutrition consultant by a company that is interested in releasing a new Omega 3 fatty acid supplement promoting the ability to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia in adults.

Your objective is to review the literature available looking at Omega 3 fatty acid supplementation in adult populations and associations with cognitive function, cognitive impairment and incidence of dementia. Based on your review of the evidence, you are required to present a written report (2000 words) and video summary (1 minute) outlining your evidenced based opinion and recommendation to the company addressing if they should or shouldn't release this new supplement for intended use by adults to reduce the risk of cognitive decline and dementia.


The purpose of this assignment is to:

  • become familiar with an emerging, topical and relevant nutrition issue in Australia;
  • learn to search for, and critique, peer-reviewed scientific literature;
  • learn to summarize current knowledge and formulate an evidence based opinion;
  • develop your nutrition communication skills;
  • assist in developing your verbal communication skills as well as digital literacy


This assignment covers the following ULOs:

ULO 2) Describe the importance of micronutrients in normal cell functioning and physiological processes

ULO 3) Recognise the health consequences of micronutrient deficiencies and how these can effectively be treated by nutritional intervention

ULO 4) Select, critically analyse and interpret scientific literature around a topical nutritional issue, formulate an evidence-based assessment of the evidence and communicate this to a range of audiences.

Formatting requirements

Your written report can be submitted in either a Word or PDF file format via the dropbox on CloudDeakin. Your video summary needs to be in a MP4 format. Each file needs to go into its own assignment dropbox.

Word count: Written report (2000 words) and 1 minute video summary

Due date: Thursday April 7th 2022 by 8.00pm (AEST)

Assessment weighting: Written report worth 40% of your final unit grade; Video summary 5% of your unit grade

Assignment content

The following points need to be covered at some stage in your report:

Written report: 

  1. Briefly define and differentiate omega 3 fatty acids from other classes of fats and outline key dietary sources of omega 3 fats. What are the key established benefits of PUFAs in brain health? You should outline briefly the key benefits in relation to brain
  2. Outline the weight of scientific evidence for a clinical benefit of supplementation

compared to not using this supplement.

For this part, you need to take into account both positive studies (studies that show a benefit) and negative research (studies that didn’t show a benefit and/ or that may have shown adverse outcomes or dangerous side effects) and use the literature to develop an argument to inform your recommendation.

You would need at least 4 studies for each side of the argument. You may use a summary table of the studies reviewed in this section to assist your synthesis of the evidence and presentation of your argument.

You may draw on combined results from systematic reviews of the evidence but a systematic review would be considered one reference and this should be in addition to the 4 individual studies.

You will need to consider if supplementation is effective or not effective in reducing the risk of cognitive decline and/or dementia. There will be studies supporting both sides of the argument so make sure you present a balanced synthesis of the literature. Overall, you will need to make a strong case for your own recommendation.

  1. Include a brief summary/final recommendation to the company which is supported by the evidence you presented in your report. As a nutrition professional you should be able to give a direct and clear

Video summary:

  1. You have been asked to summarise your main findings and recommendations from your report for a brief presentation to the company board. The board meets interstate, so you have been asked to record a one-minute video summarising your recommendation of whether or not to release this Omega-3 fatty acid supplement to adults for reducing risk of cognitive decline and/or dementia and the key points of your rationale.

Please note: This assignment is about comparing the merits of releasing the proposed supplement, versus not supplementing with omega 3 for brain health.

Referencing requirements

Please use Vancouver style for referencing the articles in the written report. Almost all the references for your report should be coming from peer-reviewed scientific studies. You should not use websites as references.

You should include at least 8 scientific studies for part 2. Plus, you should reference in the background section in part 1. I would expect minimum 12-15 references for your assignment.

It is strongly encouraged that you use the most up to date research to support your argument. Published research during the last 5 years would be useful.

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