INF20016 Big Data Management - Case Study Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Huskie Motor Corporation (HMC) Case Study

Word/time limit: 3500 (+/- 10%)

Weighting: 40%

Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 6 June (Week 12)

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Assignment Details

Assignment tasks/description

After studying the Huskie Motor Corporation (HMC) case study (PDF 194 KB)  Download Huskie Motor Corporation (HMC) case study (PDF 194 KB), you are required to write a report containing critical analysis of the key issues, challenges, and opportunities related to the organisation's endeavour to capitalise on Data Analytics.

The following items are expected to be part of the report (this is an extract from the HMC Case):

  1. Overall performance analytics:
  • How is HMC performing globally?
  • How are various HMC brands performing?
  • How are the various sales channels performing?
  • What are the most and least profitable models?
  1. Financial analytics:
  • What is the current contribution margin (CM) per model?
  • What is the average variable cost per model, and how has that changed over time?
  • Which model has the most variability in variable costs?
  • What is the current CM per channel?
  1. Operations analytics:
  • What model options are the top and bottom sellers?
  • How many days are the various models on the lot prior to sale?
  1. Forecast:
  • Sales Volume –Four quarters in advance (Hint: use Forecast option in Tableau).
  • Contribution Margin –Four quarters in advance (Hint: use Forecast option in Tableau).

Once you have prepared the analysis, Kevin would like you to prepare an interactive dashboard for each of the four areas described earlier. The client uses Tableau for data visualisation and would like you to create the dashboards using that software. You have been given some guidelines for preparing the business report (see “HMC Guide.pdf in Canvas”). There are two additional requests:

  • Kevin has specifically requested that you provide an infographic containing key findings of interest of your analysis of the HMC data. It is highly desirable that the infographic be created using Adobe Spark (but you can use other tool).
  • Kevin has been informed there may potentially be an issue with the HMC data. Hence, he has specifically asked you to prepare a table with a list of issues (i.e., data discrepancies, missing values, data integrity issues) you encountered when reviewing the quality of the HMC dataset and what you have done with the issues prior to analysing the data.

In your analysis of the case, please make sure you incorporate some of the following key issues, challenges, and opportunities:

  • The competitive landscape and the strategic positioning of the organisation in the competitive landscape of its industry (appropriate to the context of the case study).
  • The key challenges/barriers, opportunities and values for growth, further developments of products and services through/associated with the use of data (corporate and/or big data).
  • The key challenges/barriers, opportunities, and further developments of strategy and management practices in the attempt to effectively capitalise on data (corporate and/or big data).
  • Potential of strategic alliances in data acquisition, management, and use of data (corporate and/or big data).
  • The strategic impacts on the organisation's endeavour and intent on analytics and the use of Big Data to its customers, partners, staff, business processes and/or activities, strategy, management processes/style, as well as its other constituents.
  • Issues pertaining data quality, ethical issues, privacy, security, and data ownership.

Note: You must complete the Peer Evaluation from for INF20016 (DOCX 59 KB)  Download Peer Evaluation from for INF20016 (DOCX 59 KB) for each of your teammates and submit it with your report.

Assignment requirements

  1. This is not about rewriting parts of the case study.
  2. As part of a case study analysis, critical thinking, synthesis, analysis, and your professional views are critical to the task. These need to be informed and supported by the appropriate literature (i.e., in-text references).
  3. A minimum of 8 scholarly references (i.e., journal papers, conference papers) is required. It is important that you employ only resources which are accepted as being scholarly and academically reliable (i.e., journal papers, conference papers). Wikipedia or to the individual opinions expressed in some Blogs and Web articles are nice to read and may contain valuable information, but these are not regarded as “scholarly references”. The Swinburne University library database features many useful and high quality references. If you have difficulty in using this database you will find the library tutorials helpful.
  4. All references should be appropriately cited using the Harvard referencing style (please check: Harvard Referencing Style Guide(Links to an external site.)  if you are unsure or just want to be certain).
  5. It is expected that all work submitted would have been proof-read and edited to avoid spelling and grammar oddities/mistakes. The resulting written work needs to be presented in a professional manner and format: i.e., Pages need to be numbered, evidence of attention to layout and structure needs to be demonstrated. The written submission is to be formatted as a report, word-processed in 12 point font and 1.5 line spacing. The word count does not include the executive summary, table of contents, references and appendices.
  6. Analysis of the data provided and its presentation would be a key element of this assignment. Some of the data analysis outputs can be presented as an appendix (but this needs to be referred to in the main body of the report).
  7. Any relevant appendices to the report (Note: Appendices do not count towards the word limit).

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