INF20016 Big Data Management - Essay Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Critical Essay

Word/time limit: 2200 excluding reference list and appendices (+/- 10%)

Weighting: 30%

Due date: 5pm AEST Monday 11 April 2022 (Week 5)

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Assignment Details

In this critical essay, you will provide readers with a thought-provoking and interesting explanation and discussion on the topic of big data. You will discuss managing the dangers and cultivating the value of customers' data. You will base your description and analysis on the following article: Why Amazon knows so much about you (Links to an external site.) (Kelion 2021).

Your target audience for this Executive Briefing is at Senior Management level.

This assignment was designed to enable you to showcase your:

  • persuasive writing in a concise and systematic manner
  • critical thinking and analytical ability/skill
  • understanding of key aspects of big data, data analytics, the strategic value of data, the legal/regulatory aspects in dealing with customers' data, the security issues surrounding private and confidential data, strategy and investments related to big data management, and the issues of privacy and ethics 
  • research and scholarly skill (i.e. in-text referencing/referencing skill, ability to identify and use good quality literature)
  • written communication skills and the understanding of the target audience.

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