INF20016 Big Data Management - Learning Activity 2

Assignment Help on Analysis of Coffee Chain Company

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Due date: Due 5pm AEST Monday 2 May 2022 (Week 7)

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Assignment Details

Insights and foresights are what we expect when analysing a dataset. In Weeks 3, 4 and 5 you have been 'playing' with the Coffee Chain dataset using Tableau. It is time to showcase the insights and foresights contained in a dataset (albeit a small-sized dataset).

Using the Coffee Chain (XLSX 300 KB)  Download Coffee Chain (XLSX 300 KB)dataset, complete the following tasks:

Task 1: Provide a brief summary of the key insights you gained from the dataset about the performance of the coffee chain company. You must include a screenshot of the visualisation(s) you generated using Tableau to support your insights. The visualisation(s) you are using must be contained in the Tableau file (.twbx) you are submitting (300 words).

Task 2: Produce a functional and dynamic dashboard that enables self-service business users with the capabilities to:

  • explore the profit versus sales of each market, state, and postcode (or a combination of those data fields)
  • explore which product(s) we've invested in more in terms of marketing and show whether or not that investment positively corresponds to the profitability and/or sales of a particular product
  • conduct 'what if' scenarios to improve the overall profitability of the company (by reviewing the impact of discontinuation of a product type in a market).

Task 3: Provide three brief recommendations to the senior management of the coffee chain company based on your own exploration using the dashboard from Task 2. Each recommendation must be supported by the appropriate visualisation(s) you generated using Tableau. The visualisation(s) you are using must be contained in the Tableau file you are submitting.

Note: In addition to your answer, you must upload the Tableau file (.twbx) you developed. Failure to upload the Tableau files will result in a No Pass mark.

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