CA700011E Nutrition Through Life Stages - Portfolio - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Research Portfolio

A1. Portfolio

Learning outcomes 1, 2 and 3.

The portfolio will have three sections

You have to choose one of the life stages (healthy individuals), develop a well-researched portfolio, where you should present the nutritional requirements of the specific stage, relate those with physiology. The report should critically evaluate the evidence from the literature (preferably using peer reviewed research articles) on nutritional needs.

Evaluate products that are commercially available for the specific group and critically evaluate the suitability of those products that should comply with the recommendation from the previous section.

Suggest alternative products that would be appropriate for the plant base diets or using sustainable ingredients that will suffice the nutritional requirements.

The portfolio will have three sections An example of the structure:

Title page:

  • Module title/code
  • Title of portfolio
  • Author/student number
  • Who it is for/atth:
  • When was it written
  • (tip-copy from the front sheet of MSG and modify) Table of contents
  • Title of each section (layout) with page numbers
  • Sections should be numbered
  • Use footer – student no / module code Section one
  • Main aim/objectives of the section/report
  • Overview of the nutritional requirements and recommendations and conclusion Section two
  • Main aim/objectives of the section/report Critically appraise nutritional and health claims made on food
  • Overview of the market and possible gaps and conclusion Section three
  • Evaluate the nutritional interventions/ foods that could be used Overall Conclusion

References (should use Harvard system and alphabetical order)

Appendices (everything that supports the portfolio, but would hinder speed reading if part of the main body).

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