CO4754 User Centred System Design and Evaluation - Assignment 1

Assignment Help on Prototype Application

Tasks and Submissions:

THE BRIEF: You are required to design a prototype application to assist international students who have just arrived at UCLan to settle in to live at the university and in the UK.

Part 1:

Design work (submitted as a document) and video (10 mins maximum) carries 70% of the mark for the assignment and consists of the evidence of appropriate utilisation of methods and an individual presentation.
Design work - you need to provide the following artefacts in this document.
• 2 personas related to the design brief
• 2 scenarios (1 for each persona)
• 2 storyboards (1 for each persona)
• Prototypes (evidence of prototypes – these could include sketches, wireframes, mock-ups)
The artefact themselves are enough, you do not need to add any further explanation. This should be done in
the video presentation.
Video presentation – you need to produce a presentation that lasts a maximum of 10 minutes where you
describe the design process you went through. This will be similar to the presentations you did for the original
assignment. The video should include:
• A presentation of your work (using PowerPoint or similar)
• All the artefacts produced in the design work
• Explanation and justification of the artefacts and the final design

Part 2:

Project report (500 words) carries 30% of the mark for the assignment, and it consists of a critique of
one of the design methods used.
• Using academic literature to support your arguments, write a critique of ONE user centred design method that you employed during the design process (personas, scenarios, storyboarding,
prototyping). Introduce the method, consider how the method contributed to your design solution, and, the benefits and drawbacks of using the method in the design process.

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