An Observational Study of The Use of Hand Hygiene Facilities in Public Commercial Settings - Research Project Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Research Project (9593)

Research title: An observational study of the use of Hand Hygiene facilities in public commercial settings


Please before starting you must see the research planning we did it before

  • You will need to submit your project in the form of a journal article.
  • First choose a journal that suits your project.  Such as (Australia New Zealand journal of public health)
  • Read the 'Guidelines for authors' and format your assignment using those guidelines, word count, headings, reference format etc.  If your journal has no word limit, then the word limit is 4000 words (Does not include title page,  abstract,  tables, figures, references. But does include quotes, in-text citations). Words beyond the word limit will not be marked. Read the unit outline for details.
  • On the front page of your assignment make sure and include the name of the journal that you have used for your guidelines. (You do not actually submit this assignment to the journal).
  • Students need to submit 1) journal article. 2) Journal guidelines
Project title &



-Title is clever.

Impact is insightful

Scope is defined by and

aligned with the impact


-Literature review is well structured, critical, thorough, analytical and succinct. The front line of the research, the research gap, and the justification of this project are laid out simply and clearly

- Project aims, objectives or research questions are clear (e.g. PICO, PCC or SPIDER) Project fits precisely into the research gap

Methods & Analysis Very strong research design, well-conceived and capable of providing a robust and trustworthy response to the research question. Tested and reported reliability & validity of methods Strong analysis plan, with sample size and contingencies for covariates, or data quality. Sound plan developed to ensure ethical and data issues are handled well.
Results Journal-ready tables, graphs, narrative. Presented with clear science communication. Logical, clear & succinct Statistical or qualitative analysis is thorough, accurate & rigorous. Making sense of data, results, information and/or findings This work is publishable
Discussion & Conclusions Highly insightful discussion of research impact and practical application. Links the analysis of your data to theories and existing papers. Evaluates, compares and critiques those theories. Findings are compared to current literature with insight, thoroughness, proposing explanation. Limitations paragraph shows how research design can impact application of the results.
Presentation -Ready for journal submission. Strong clear, precise writing. Accurately presented and immaculate tables, figures, graphs

- Accurate and complete reference list of high science-professional level. 35 – 60 references all correct, testable. No references that are not critical to the paper

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