BSBTEC203 Research Using The Internet - Planning, Conducting and Presenting Research - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Planning, Conducting and Presenting Research

Task summary and instructions
What is this assessment task about? King Edward VII College is based in Melbourne and has been operating for two years. The College is growing, has recently employed new staff, and is also seeking to improve operational practices. (Appendix 1)

For this assessment, assume that you are an Administration Assistant, and you report to the Operations Manager. Your duties in this role planning, conducting and presenting research.

This task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o   Product-based 

o   Direct observation of Role-Play 

o   Case Study 

o   Other (specify) 

It has been designed to evaluate your ability to/competency in:

·         Confirm task requirements

·         Identify research objectives in consultation with relevant stakeholders

·         Identify potential sources for research information according to organisational policies and procedures

·         Select application and search engine according to organisational policies and procedures

·         Plan key search terms to be used in research

·         Power up digital device and access internet using selected application

·         Open search engine according to research plan

·         Enter search terms according to research plan

·         Collect information according to research plan and organisational policies and procedures

·         Use relevant help functions to overcome simple issues, where required

·         Document information collected according to task requirements

·         Deliver document to relevant stakeholders according to organisational policies and procedures

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your competency in the above.

You are required to address the following:

·         Task 2.1 Plan research

  • Consult with a stakeholder about research requirements and plan to research

·         Task 2.2 Content research

  • Research information using the internet and according to plan

·         Task 2.3 Present research

  • Evidence of research completed according to requirements
  • Email to Operations Management
What do I need to do to complete this task satisfactorily? ·         submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,

·         complete the tasks with sufficient detail and present them in a professional manner,

·         use your own words and reference sources appropriately,

·         meet the word count where required,

·         use the scenario provided,

·         use the templates provided where required,

·         for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment task you must satisfactorily address all of the assessment criteria,

·         if part of this task is not satisfactorily completed you will be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory performance.

Specifications You must deliver/participate in:

·         Briefing session in week 2 with Operations Manager – Role-Play in simulated work conditions

You must submit to GOALS

·         Summary of content and outcome of the briefing session with the manager

·         Summary of content and outcome of the briefing session with the manager

·         Evidence of the information collected according to task requirements as instructed

·         Email to Operations Manager

Resources and equipment •         Computer with Internet access

•         Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software

•         Learning material

•         Scenario for assessment as provided

•         Appendices as provided

•         Relevant policies and procedures as provided

•         Templates as provided

Re-submission opportunities You will be provided feedback on your performance by the Assessor. The feedback will indicate if you have satisfactorily addressed the requirements of each part of this task. If any parts of the task are not satisfactorily completed, the assessor will explain why, and provide you written feedback along with guidance on what you must undertake to demonstrate satisfactory performance. Re-assessment attempt(s) will be arranged at a later time and date. You have the right to appeal the outcome of assessment decisions if you feel that you have been dealt with unfairly or have other appropriate grounds for an appeal. You are encouraged to consult with the assessor prior to attempting this task if you do not understand any part of this task or if you have any learning issues or needs that may hinder you when attempting any part of the assessment.

 Complete the following activities:

 Task 2.1 Plan research

The Operations Manager requires you to research and present the following topics:

  • The current top occupations in demand in Australia
  • The current data on international students’ enrolment in Australia (vocational education)
  • The key challenges for international students in Australia

Details on how to present the topics and the target audience are provided in the table below:

Topic Target Audience Presentation details
The current top occupations in demand in Australia The management team at King Edward VII College Report style.

Word document.

Professionally presented and edited.

Information about the topic to be summarised.

(150-200 words)

The current data on international students’ enrolment in Australia (vocational education) Education Agents Formal.

Flow Charts (2-3 flow charts) with information about the charts’ content.

Word document or flyer template.

The key challenges for international students in Australia International students Informal and engaging.


PowerPoint (3-4 slides).

Attend a briefing session with the trainer and assessor who will play the role of the Operations Manager in simulated work conditions in week 2 of class.

Duration of the briefing session: 30-45 mins.

During the briefing session, take the opportunity to:

  • Confirm the task requirements
  • Identify the research objectives
  • Ask advice on potential sources for research
  • Consult on application and search engine that could be used to research the topics
  • Gather inputs about the key search terms to be used in research

Take notes during the session, and ask questions. As all class will participate in the briefing session, listen to what other students will ask.

The trainer and assessor will evaluate your active participation and performance during the briefing session and provide feedback in the Marking Sheet.

If you are absent from class, you are responsible for making alternative arrangements with the trainer and assessor to perform the Role-Play.

Task 2.2 Content research

For each topic you researched, provide the following:

  • Describe how you powered up the digital device you used for research
  • Provide a screenshot of the application you used to access the internet (example: google chrome, research bar)
  • Screenshot of the search engine used to research the topic, for example, google search with the results of your search
  • Describe how you collected information about each topic according to your research plan and the requirements discussed with the Operations Manager
  • Describe what issues you faced when researching each topic and how you resolved them

Task 2.3 Present research

  1. Provide evidence of the information collected according to task requirements:
Topic Target Audience Presentation details Evidence
The current top occupations in demand in Australia Management team at King Edward VII College Report style.

Word document.

Professionally presented and edited.

Information about the topic to be summarised.

(150-200 words)

Attach the report to submission.
The current data on international students’ enrolment in Australia (vocational education) Education Agents Formal.

Flow Charts (2-3 flow charts) with information about the charts’ content.

Word document or flyer template.

Attach the word document or chart to your submission.
The key challenges for international students in Australia International students Informal and engaging.

PowerPoint (3-4 slides).

Attach the PowerPoint to your submission.


  1. Write an email (Template 1) to the Operations Manager to present your work.

Describe how each document you created meets the task requirements and the research objectives.

Attach the documents to the email (write the document name in the ‘attachment row’ of Template 1).

The email text should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate (polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Appendix 1 – Scenario

King Edward VII College is based in Melbourne and has been operating for 2 years. The College is growing, has recently employed new staff, and is also seeking to improve operational practices.

For this assessment, assume that you are an Administration Assistant and you report to the Operations Manager. Your duties in this role planning, conducting and presenting research.

All documents should follow the King Edward VII College Style Guide and be filed and named as set out in the filing and naming conventions.

The intended audience for this document is the company’s staff, customers and other stakeholders, such as education agents.  

Appendix 2 – Style Guide


The purpose of this document is to help individuals and departments to develop and file company documentation that is consistent with the King Edward VII College corporate style.

This document explains the style to be applied to company documentation together with information on typography, and advice for writing and producing documents, as well as filing documents.

It is recognised that there will be documentation which is outside these guidelines, but the general format should be followed wherever possible.

Writing Style

Composition should be concise, friendly, and professional in keeping with the mission statement of King Edward VII College. Documents should be visually appealing and use unambiguous language.

Standard Operating Environment

King Edward VII College’s standard operating environment (SOE) is Microsoft Windows.


Hyperlinks may be either:

Internet hyperlinks which take the reader to a web site if a modem is in use. Internet hyperlinks must begin with https://

Word hyperlinks appear as normal text in a printed document, but in an electronic document are distinguished by the mouse cursor turning into the “pointing hand” shape.


There is not one standard template for documents at King Edward VII College, and writers may use their own formats for documents as long as the following style guide is followed.

Note that all letters sent to external parties must be signed by the senior manager of King Edward VII College.

Page Layout

Only A4 paper is to be used for documents. Generally, portrait orientation should be used, with landscape orientation being used in longer documents where appropriate. 

Headers and footers


Headers are used for all documents of more than one page. They contain the title of the document and the title of the current section (if applicable).


Footers are used for all documents (except for letters and emails) and must contain the filename, the version of the document, the date and the page number.

Document Style Guide

The standard font for all King Edward VII College documents is Tahoma 11pt. Headings should be bolded with Heading 1 in 14pt and Heading 2 in 12 pt.

Spacing should be 1.5 lines.

Images should be used sparingly and fit well with the text of the document. Overall appearance should be elegant and professional.

Email Style Guidelines

All emails should be written as follows:

  • Write a clear subject line.
  • Use greeting and closing as you would in a letter. For clients, use their first name or Mr or Mrs if preferred. End the email with Yours Sincerely.
  • For staff, use first names and use Kind Regards in closing. Where the email is to all staff use “Dear All”.
  • Make the email easy to read. Use short paragraphs and insert blank lines between each paragraphs. Use bullet points if applicable.
  • Keep the email brief.
  • Proof read the email. Run the spell check and check the document yourself too for spelling and grammar.

Spreadsheet Style Guidelines

General presentation requirements are as follows:

  • Company name included in every spreadsheet
  • Standard font is: Tahoma 10 pt.
  • If a worksheet is to be printed out, ensure that all of the information is presented comfortably on the page. Use as few pages as possible without the data becoming too small to read.

Worksheet format

  • Colours should be used to distinguish headings from data.
  • If charts are included, use the colour scheme suggested by Excel.
  • If a chart is to contrast actual from projected values, colours should be used to help differentiate between the two periods.

Presentation Style Guidelines


  • Match the number of content slides to the length of the presentation. For example, if the presentation is to run for 10 minutes, 8 to 10 slides would be appropriate. For 15 minutes, 12 to 15 slides; 20 minutes, 15 to 18 slides.


  • Use a title slide with the name of the presentation. 
  • The next section shows the body or content of the presentation.


  • Use variety in slides. a combination of bullets, images, graphs, tables and charts should be used.
  • Use logos, clip art, photos, web links, etc. to enhance the style of your presentation, but not to the extent that it overshadows the content.
  • Keep slide animation to a minimum. A little animation to reveal and emphasize key points is fine, but too much animation is distracting.

Colour Scheme

  • Use a light background and a dark font colour for high contrast and visual impact.


  • You don’t have to say everything on your slides
  • Use one font on all slides for consistency. 
  • Select a crisp, familiar font such as Times New Roman.
  • Keep the font on your slides size 20 or greater. Any smaller and it is difficult to read the text when projected in the classroom. 
  • Begin all sentences and bullets with a capital letter.
  • Check your slides for typos
  • Use a descriptive title for each slide.
  • Indicate the source of the information and/or data in the slide if applicable.

Handout masters

  • Generally, handout masters should be created using three slides per page.
  • Add a header and footer when using handout masters if required.


  • Printing must be double-sided where possible.


  • Presentations must be filed in the presentations folder and titled according to the content. The version and date should also be included in the file’s title.


All documents must be filed in the appropriate folder on King Edward VII College’s computer system. 

Files must be named according to the file type e.g. Invoice 123.

Current folders are:




Purchase orders

Accounting and budget documents



Special offers

Customer correspondence


Staff files

Human resources policies and procedures

Newsletters (file by month)

General Policies and procedures

Record keeping policies and procedure

Complaints handling policy and procedure

Supporting forms and templates

All other policies and procedures 

If there is no relevant folder, staff should create a new folder.


King Edward VII College complies with the Privacy Act 1988 and the Australian Privacy Principles.

When providing services, King Edward VII College will usually collect personal information including the client’s name, address and contact details and information specific to the service being delivered.

King Edward VII College will treat all client personal information confidentially and will not disclose any details to another person or organisation. 

Access to information is restricted to the relevant authorised staff.

Information deemed inaccurate, irrelevant or out of date is destroyed.


Copyright must be taken into account. If a report or article is to be included, make sure you acknowledge the author and/or source of the publication.

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