Project Proposals Assignment Drop, and Peer Review

Assignment Help on Research Proposal

My research title: An observational study of consumer use of QR codes and Hand sanitiser facilities in public commercial settings (can you see the attachment)

Presentation tips
You  are  required  to  record  a  short  presentation  of  your  project  proposal  suitable  for  an
informed  (but  not  expert)  audience.  You  have  three  minutes  to  present  your  project.
Although this seems daunting, it should not be seen as such and this is a skill you will need
in your future career. It is based on the so-called “Elevator pitch” (a succinct and persuasive
sales pitch which lasts just long enough to take a lift in an elevator). There are a number of
top-tips for a successful presentation and these include these five:
1. Use  PowerPoint  Judiciously.  Most  good  presentations  make  some  use  of  visual
aids  and  you  can  use  some  (maximum  five  slides)  for  this  assessment.  If  you  do,
• Never use less than 24 point font. 
• Use bullet points. 
• Use images effectively and imaginatively; 
• Never put your presentation on the slides and read from the slides. 
2. The audience wants to hear about  your project- tell them. Don’t spend too long
on the background and little time on the project- remember we want to hear about the
project, not previous work. We need a context but the majority of the talk should be
on the project not the other way around. 

For this presentation the marking criteria are provided on the Moodle site but, in short, you
should aim to provide:
- A  succinct  background  statement  on  the  problem  (with  reference  to  academic
literature and/or clinical practice); 
- An aim/objective/research question you aim to address; 
- An overview on your plan of action- your method- including (if appropriate) a timeline,
ethical requirements and budget; 
- An engaging and interesting presentation;

Research Proposals
3 key Areas
1. Introduction to the proposed study and research questions
2. Presentation of evidence relating to previous work in the field
3. Description of how you propose to go about answering the research question posed.
Contents of Research Proposal:
• Title of your research / study
• Unit name
• Your name / student number
• Date
Proposed study and research questions
• Introduction and background to the study
• Key research questions
• Significance of the study ( why the research is important)
• Setting of the study
• Delimitations of the study (how you propose making it manageable).
Literature review and theoretical framework
• Review of previous work in the field that relates to the research question
• The framework (often derived from theory) that guides your study.
Research procedures
• An overview of the design of the study
• Key concepts and definitions of important terms
• Data or sources of information
• Proposed collection of data / information
• Proposed methods for treating and analysing the data information
• Timeline for the study.
• A list of works cited in the proposal.

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