ACC100 Introduction to Accounting - Assignment Help

Assignment Help on Accounting Issues Analysis Group Project

1.1   Student Assessment

Provided below is a schedule of formal assessment tasks and major examinations for the subject.

Assessment Type

When assessed


Learning Outcomes Assessed

Assessment 1: Tutorial exercises and homework



a, b, c, d, e, f

Assessment 2: Online test (x2)

Weeks 4; 12

5% each test

10% total

a, b, c, e, f

Assessment 3: Mid-trimester test

Week 6


a, b, c, d

Assessment 4:

Accounting issues analysis group project

Week 11


a, b, c, d, e

Assessment 5: Final examination On-campus:

2 hours + 10 mins reading time Online:

2 hours + 30 mins technology allowance

Final exam period


a, b, c, d, e, f

Requirements to Pass the Subject:

To gain a pass or better in this subject, students must gain a minimum of 50% of the total available subject marks.

1.2   Prescribed and Recommended Readings

Provided below, in formal reference format, is a list of the prescribed and recommended readings.

References available from EBSCOhost research databases:

  • Accounting & Finance
  • Acuity
  • Australasian Accounting Business & Finance
  • Australian Accounting Review
  • Accounting, Accountability & Performance
  • Journal of Accounting, Auditing &
  • Journal of Business Ethics
  • Review of Accounting

Useful Websites:

The following websites are useful sources covering a range of information useful for this subject. However, most are not considered to be sources of Academic Peer Reviewed theory and research. If your assessments require academic peer reviewed journal articles as sources, you need to access such sources using the Library database, Ebscohost, or Google Scholar. Please ask in the Library if you are unsure how to access Ebscohost. Instructions can also be found in Moodle.

  • Australian Accounting Standards Board
  • Accounting professional and ethical standards (APES) resources/accounting-professional-and-ethical-standards
  • CPA Australia
  • Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand
  • Institute of Public Accountants
  • International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation

2   Assessment Details

2.1  Details of Each Assessment Item

The assessments for this subject are described below. The description includes the type of assessment, its purpose, weighting, due date and submission requirements, the topic of the assessment, details of the task and detailed marking criteria, including a marking rubric for essays, reports and presentations.

Supplementary assessment information and assistance can be found in Moodle.

KOI expects students to submit their own original work in both assignments and exams, or the original work of their group in the case of group assignments. Material in assignments which comes from the work of others much be appropriately acknowledged.

Assessment 1

Assessment Type: Tutorial Exercise and homework

Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce the subject content taught each week and give students experience in solving problems and issues as would be found in real life accounting situations. This contributes to learning outcomes a, b, c, d, e and f.

Value: 10%                   Due Date: Weekly Submission: In class

Topic: Weekly topics

Task Details: Students will be expected to apply weekly subject matter to given scenarios and make positive contribution to class discussions. Students will hand in their hard copy of the work done at the end of each tutorial.

Marking Guide: Marks will be allocated for completeness of the work handed in and the contribution to class discussion. All marks will be combined and scaled to a mark out of 10.

Assessment 2

Assessment Type: Online Test (x2) – individual assessment.

Purpose: This assessment is designed to reinforce subject content taught each week allowing students to analyse and apply accounting principles and concepts to solve theory and practical accounting questions. This contributes to learning outcomes a, b, c, e and f.

Value: 10% - 5% each online test           Due Date: Week 4 and 12.

Submission: The online test will be located on the KOI Moodle subject homepage and will close no later than 8:00 pm Friday of Week 4 and Week 12 respectively.

Topic: Weekly subject content. Task Details:

Each online test will include questions related to topics as follows:

Week 4 test – Topics weeks 1-4 Week 12 test – topics weeks 7-11

Each online test will be graded to 5 subject marks.

Assessment 3

Assessment Type: Mid-trimester test – individual assessment – invigilated open book. Students should have pens and a non-programmable calculator – no other aids will be permitted.

Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate understanding of the subject content from weeks 1 to 5 topics, by analysing accounting problems and applying appropriate problem-solving processes. This assessment contributes to learning outcomes a, b, c and d.

Value: 15%                               Due Date: Week 6 Topic: Subject content weeks 1 – 5 inclusive

Task Details: The mid-trimester test held in class in lecture time in week 6. It is a invigilated open book exam. Students are expected to bring writing pens and a non-programmable calculator to the exam. No other materials will be permitted.

Assessment 4

Assessment Type: Group assignment – Report and Presentation. All members of the group will be assessed based on their contribution on the group report. Individual marks will apply to the oral presentation.

Purpose: To allow students to demonstrate their ability to research, critically analyse trends and issues in accounting and solve standard accounting problems as would arise in the modern accounting environment. The assessment also allows students to further develop their team working and professional communication skills. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b, c, d and e.

Value: 15%       Due Date: Week 11

Submission: One copy only per group – Hard copies of a final report and a group work activity report with associated attachments should be submitted to tutor before group presentation. All submissions must be accompanied by a signed KOI Group Assignment Coversheet.

Topic: Accounting Issues analysis (Group Assignment 3-4 members)

Task details: In accounting, we learn not only how to record and report transactions, but also the purpose of the information created and the many users of accounting information in business and even everyday

life. Understanding accounting and its variable roles in decision making will equip you with some essential tools and techniques for understanding a broad range of accounting and business issues.


Brisbane will become home to the Games for the XXXV Olympiad; it will be the third Australian city to host after Melbourne (1956) and Sydney (2000).

Research by KPMG predicts that hosting the 2032 Games will deliver $8.1 billion in benefits to Queensland including a $4.6 billion economic boost to tourism and trade and $3.5 billion in social improvements such as health, volunteering and community benefits. The 2032 Games are also expected to support 91,600 full- time equivalent jobs in Queensland and 122,900 nationally.

Read the KPMG summary report below, and answer the following questions. analysis-summary-report-final.pdf

  1. Analyse the potential economic, financial, social and environmental benefits of hosting Brisbane Olympic
  2. Analyse the potential costs of hosting city
  3. What are the factors to analyse cost benefit analysis?
  4. Interpret and analyse the summary of potential quantifiable benefits on the report, and identify the limitation of the budgeted report
  5. Many cities have learned harsh economic lessons from hosting Olympics down through the How could the Olympics be made more manageable?
  6. Explain the role of accountants in hosting Brisbane Olympic
  7. Which skills and ethics will be required for accountants in
  8. Group opinion and recommendation

The group must coordinate and consolidate all students’ answers into the overall response and final report to be submitted by one student. Each group member should have a copy of the Group List with the contact details, Name, Mobile phone, and email address for all members of the group.

Research requirements: Students need to support their analysis with reference from the text that is suitable, reliable, current, and academically acceptable sources – check with your tutor if unsure of the validity of sources. Groups seeking Credit or above grades should support their analysis with an increased number of reference sources comparable to the grade they are seeking.

Group Report: in Word .doc or .docx. Use Arial font size 12. The report must be typed and printed for submission. Please attach the KOI assignment cover sheet with all group members' names filled in. Use Harvard referencing.

Marks awarded will be based on the following criteria:

Interpretation and analysis                     50%

Group activity report                              20%

References and appendix                      10%

Oral presentation                                   20%

Total mark will be scaled to 15 marks

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