CO4403 Object Oriented Software Development


Learning outcomes assessed

5.         Critique and compare different software development approaches

In this assignment you need to create a digital poster (Portrait Orientation, Up to A1 size: 59.1cm x 83.1cm) which is a single slide in Microsoft PowerPoint.

Task 1: On your poster, summarise two different software development methodologies (e.g. Agile and Waterfall), focus on the process you would need to follow in each methodology and mention anything else you feel is important. Try to use figures/diagrams where appropriate.

Task 2: On your poster, explain potential advantages and disadvantages of utilizing the two different software development methodologies (that you picked in Task 1) during your Coursework 1 development task. Think carefully about the process within each methodology, how you would have followed the processes, and what the impact on your work would have been.

Task 3: On your poster, state which of the two methodologies would have been most appropriate to use for your coursework 1 assignment. Justify your choice using examples from your experiences of completing coursework 1.

Task 4: Your final task is to create a voice-over recording on your PowerPoint slide, of no more than 3 minutes, in which you give an overview of your poster. In this overview you need to briefly explain what you think are the key points from each of the 3 previous tasks. Do not just read out the text on the poster. This is your chance to demonstrate that you understand the methodologies you picked and have considered how they would be applied.

The figure below provides a suggested poster layout. You can use references to appropriate sources (research papers, journal papers, books, reputable web sites) to support the points you are making, if you use figures/diagrams from other sources they must be referenced. You can use whatever style of referencing you feel is appropriate as long as it is consistent and complete.

Student Name, Email and

Student Number

Methodology 1        Methodology 2 Summary                 Summary

Methodology 1        Methodology 2 Advantages/            Advantages/ Disadvantages         Disadvantages

Choice and Justification

You must provide your own interpretation of the methodologies chosen; you must not quote large sections from other sources, and you must not attempt to pass text from other sources through language translation tools. You must make sure that for your voice-over in Task 4 the audio is clear. You must achieve a grade of 50% overall to pass this assignment.

Marking Criteria

·         To obtain 25% you must have produced a poster with a voice-over which provides a coherent summary, the work must show some understanding of two appropriate software development methodologies.

·         To obtain 30%, in addition to the above, your summary will clearly demonstrate that you have understood the two software development methodologies and associated processes.

·         To obtain 35%, in addition to the above, you will have attempted to provide relevant advantages and disadvantages of the two methodologies.

·         To obtain 40%, in addition to the above, in your work you will have made reference to relevant sources in an appropriate way.

·         To obtain 50%, in addition to the above, you will have made clear your choice of methodologies (Task 3) and provided multiple coherent and relevant reasons for this choice. The voice-over summarises key aspects from all three tasks clearly.

·         To obtain 60%, in addition to the above, you must have given a range of realistic potential advantages and disadvantages of the two methodologies which show consideration of the coursework 1 task.

·         To obtain 70%, in addition to the above, Task 1 and Task 2 will show a good level of understanding and consideration of the chosen methodologies and the processes within them in the context of this assignment.

·         To obtain 80%, in addition to the above, the presentation of the poster will be excellent, writing will be concise and objective, multiple figures/diagrams will be used to good effect.

·         To obtain 90% and above, in addition to the above, the poster will make effective use of a range of sources (both practitioners and academic), tasks 2 and 3 will consider the methodologies in a range of different contexts, the impact of the methodologies and associated processes will be considered critically.

Late work

Except where an extension of the hand-in deadline date has been approved, work that is handed in within 5 working days late will receive a maximum mark of 50%. Work handed in later than this will receive 0%.



The preparation for this assignment was provided in the lecture materials and associated activities in weeks 7-10 of semester 1.



Assessment Release date: December 2021

Assessment Deadline Date and time: Midnight on Friday 14th January 2022. Please note that this is the final time you can submit – not the time to submit!

Do not contact module tutors to request an ad-hoc extension, such requests will always be refused.

If you feel you need to apply for an extension/have mitigating circumstances you need to follow the correct university process detailed at

Your feedback and mark for this assessment will be provided within 15 working days after submission.


You must submit a PowerPoint file include a voice over. If you fail to submit all parts or submit them in a form which cannot be accessed by module tutors your will receive a mark of 0.



·            Assignment support will be provided in the CO4403 Microsoft Team during scheduled lab hours.

·            For support with using library resources, please contact [email protected]. You will find links to lots of useful resources in the My Library tab on Blackboard.

·            You need to use PowerPoint for your presentation. If you do not have PowerPoint on your computer you can visit to install this on your computer, or use Office 365 through your web browser, by logging in with your UCLan account.

·            If you have not yet made the university aware of any disability, specific learning difficulty, long-term health or mental health condition, please complete a Disclosure Form. The Inclusive Support team will then contact to discuss reasonable adjustments and support relating to any disability.  For more information, visit the Inclusive Support site.

·            To access mental health and wellbeing support, please complete our online referral form. Alternatively, you can email [email protected], call 01772 893020 or visit our UCLan Wellbeing Service pages for more information.

·            If you have any other query or require further support you can contact The <i>, The Student Information and Support Centre. Speak with us for advice on accessing all the University services as well as the Library services. Whatever your query, our expert staff will be able to help and support you. For more information , how to contact us and our opening hours visit Student Information and Support Centre.

·         If you have any valid mitigating circumstances that mean you cannot meet an assessment submission deadline and you wish to request an extension, you will need to apply online prior to the deadline.

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