Strategic Partnership Report

Written Report

In this assessment task, you will be required to research and compile information in form of a report on at least two specific Strategic Partnership used by private and public sectors respectively. Partnership may include formal or informal Partnership, circulation lists, e-Partnership, virtual communities and mailing lists. Public sector Partnership may differ from private sector Partnership as they tend to focus on a close group of internal and external stakeholders. Research and identify two distinctive Collaborative Partnership each in public sector and private sector and compile the following information on them to be included in your report;

Type of Partnership and its key features should include:

➢ Organisation Goal, Mission and Vision

➢ Information management system

➢ Likely stakeholders and their profile (internal and/or external)

 ➢ Strategic values and likely benefits for individual stakeholders

➢ Strategic values and likely benefits for organisations

➢ Communication Plan, including communication methods used (e.g. Meeting, forum, functions etc.)

➢ Interpersonal and communication skill to negotiate.

➢ Code of conduct, policy and procedure or any other legal requirements (including WHS) ➢ Problem solving and Feedback Methods.

➢ Your role as an RTO Manager in leading the partnership, including detailed Position

Description and a Capability statement Note: you do not have to restrict yourself to online Partnership. A large number of professional and strategic partnership rely on face-to-face contacts and networking events to create added values for their members.

Prepare a word report summarising each Partnership as per the above information/instructions.

Your report should have following sections:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Executive summary
  • Body of the report

o Organisation Goal, Mission and Vision

o Information management system

o Likely stakeholders and their profile (internal and/or external)

o Strategic values and likely benefits for individual stakeholders

o Strategic values and likely benefits for organisations

o Your role as a partnership leader, including a detailed Position Description and a capability statement

o Communication methods used (e.g. Meeting, forum, functions etc.)

o Risk management Plan, including staff performance management, staff professional development plans, role allocations within the partnership, a process to create and maintain a positive culture among staff that embraces collaboration, conflict resolution and evaluation of the health of the work environment, sample of a Code of Conduct, policy and procedure or any other legal requirements (including WHS) o Problem solving, reporting mechanisms and Feedback Methods.

  • Conclusion – identify/list the major outcomes and learnings
  • Attach a Sample of the Partnership Agreement

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