Slack N. and Brandon-Jones A(2009(. Operations Management 19th Edition), London: Pearson. Core Chapters: g, 1.3., 12, 13, 17. 2500 words

  • A contents page - spage. showing all reLevant sections and sub­sections
  • An introduction - 300 vvords about your selected organisation
  • Findings section - 2000 words as main body with four subsections as
  • A Conclusion section - 200 words - as overall conclusion
  • A reference list - minimum of 8 to io academic sources in Harvard
  • Appendix - optional


  1. Knowledge, understanding and analysis of the theories/ concepts in relation to all topics (SkiU.$). - 25 marks
  2. Demonstrating Research and AppUcation by providing industry examples from the selected organisation (Content)- 25 marks
  3. Relevant Authenticity and Investigation into the Interrelation of Operations with other Functions Content, Skills) - 25 marks
  4. Originality, Structure, Presentation, Referencing (SkiUs) - 25 marks


- Slack N. and Brandon-Jones A(2009(. Operations Management 19th Edition), London: Pearson. Core Chapters: g, 1.3., 12, 13, 17.

- Slack N. and Brandon-Jones A. (2o1.8). Essentials of Operations Management (2nd Edition), London: Pearson. Core Chapters: 6, 7, 8 8,2,

- Other industry reports from your selected organisation.

Students should also consult the main academic journals in the field:

  • Production and Operations Management
  • Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
  • International Journal. of Operations & Production Management
  • British JournaL of Management
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Sloan Management Review

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