Chloe Ting - 2020... Sprouts Farmers.. Weather M McGraw-Hill Conn... Chapter 5 HW Saved...

Chloe Ting - 2020... Sprouts Farmers.. Weather M McGraw-Hill Conn... Chapter 5 HW Saved Help S Check my work mode : This shows what is correct or incorrect for the work you have completed so far. It does not indicate completion 9 t????e?????? G?eµa? ?a auyuary t????e a??? ????e ?a?e???e????, ????µ???? yuas ?a? yw?, a????e??, and current ratios LO A1, A2, P3, P4 (The following information applies to the questions displayed below) The following unadjusted trial balance is prepared at fiscal year-end for Nelson Company, Nelson company uses a perpetual inventory system. It categorizes the following accounts as selling expenses: depreciation expense-store equipment, sales salaries expense, rent expense-selling space, store supplies expense, advertising expense. It categorizes the remaining expenses as general and administrative. Part 2 of 2 11 points NELSON COMPANY Unadjusted Trial Balance January 31 Credit Debit $ 1.000 12,500 5,800 2.400 42,900 $ 15,250 10,000 32,000 2,200 Cash Merchandise inventory Store supplies Prepaid insurance Store equipment Accumulated depreciation-store equipment Accounts payable J. Nelson, Capital J. Nelson, withdrawals Sales Sales discounts Sales returns and allowances Cost of goods sold Depreciation expense-store equipment Sales salaries expense office salaries expense Insurance expense Rent expense-Selling space Rent expense office space store supplies expense Advertising expense Total 2.000 2.200 38,400 17.500 17.500 7,500 7.500 200 $169,200 5169,200 Se of 9

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