Part A
Question 1
Forces for Change
- The management of the organization wants to initiate a change management process. Moreover, the company is willing to hire qualified and able employees who can drive productivity and improve results. The plant manager at the organization as well as the HR director and floor supervisor are in favor of implementing change.
- The organization has had previous experiences with initiating small-scale change management projects. This implies that the company is prepared to initiate change and this is not a new concept for them. According to a research conducted by Stuffers and Mordant-Dols (2015), professionals’ willingness to change is one of the positive forces for successfully implementing changes within an organization.
- The company acknowledges the importance of training staff before they are allowed to engage and factory activities. all employees are expected to complete a 12-week training course before they are permitted to work on the factory floor.
Resistance to Change
- Some long-standing employees at the organization are resistant to change and do not wish to see major changes being implemented at the organization. This indicates that the entire organization is not united to witness change and does not share similar views about the benefits of change.
- The work environment at the plant is not compliant with environmental protocols as there are no air conditioning units which causes the temperature to become too hot and there are some safety concerns which exist on the factory floor.
- Communication between the management and the employees is poor as most of the employees are not fluent in English and therefore may not be able to are you still concerns or take their feedback the management.
The strategy which will be used to reduce the constraining forces is that of implementing wellness interventions at the organization which can help improve the well-being of employees. Moreover, the supporting forces will be further built by understanding the targets of change and applying the change management strategy on an individual and organizational level. The supporting forces should therefore be leveraged upon to maximize the success of the change management intervention.
Question 2
Long standing employees at the organization are exhibiting negative change attitudes and showing resistance to change. As these employees have worked in the organization for a significant time, they may feel that change would lead to a loss of control and may also raise concerns about future competence. In this situation the effective management strategy that managers should exercise is to provide necessary resources and platforms such as discussion forums to highlight the importance of change, communicate the vision and share information about how it can be beneficial for employees and the organization (Kotter, 1995). the managers should also reward the supportive behavior of those employees who are in favor of change, this would encourage employees who are against change to decrease their level of resistance.
Some employees at the organization exhibit an attitude of change readiness as they are interested in witnessing changes to work processes to make them simpler and explore ways of integrating new staff members easily into existing teams. there is a moderate level of change readiness attitude at the organization. The strategy which could be used to build on this change attitude in the organization is to inspire followers by appealing to their emotions and increasing their commitment to improvement led by change (Keating et al., 1999). This is a tool utilized by transformational leaders through the use of positive verbal communication. Additionally, managers should support the risk-taking behavior of such employees and establish a work environment where innovation and growth are supported. These strategies will also make employees more accepting of change in the future.
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