Assessment Learning Outcomes | 7011MHR Assessment Brief |
Details of the task
CW Assessment – Portfolio
Portfolio consisting of two parts: Part 1. Individual Business Proposal with 3 appendices a. Survey to measure engagement and wellbeing b. Action Plan to improve engagement and wellbeing c. Communication Plan to share the employee engagement and wellbeing initiatives Part 2: Individual Reflection for development of HR professional knowledge and behaviours Details: Part 1. Individual Business Proposal with 3 appendices -3000 words A business proposal to improve employee engagement and well-being of staff in the chosen location detailing the initiatives, with the following appendices a. Survey- to measure employee engagement and wellbeing b. Action Plan- Action plan to implement four new initiatives to improve employee engagement and wellbeing of staff in the new location(detailing in the proposal any two specific initiatives, one for improving Employee Engagement and one wellbeing initiative in the new location) c. Communication Plan- Communication Plan to sell the engagement strategy to managers and key influencers to ensure buy-in and commitment in the chosen location. Part 2. Individual Reflection for development of behaviours and skills required by HR Professionals- 1000 words In this reflection, you are expected to discuss how you have developed the knowledge and behaviours as recommended by the CIPD Professional Map. Discuss further development of professional HR Knowledge and Behaviour areas. Ensure that you cite appropriate literature from academic sources in writing this reflection (New CIPD Professional Map, Team Work theories, Leadership concepts and other related academic literature) |
Assessment Brief:
Sodexo is a business that provides a wide range of services, everything from food and reception through to cleaning, energy management, grounds maintenance, building maintenance and security. Improving quality of life isn't just a dream. For Sodexo it's a mission. Sodexo believe quality of life helps to keep people healthy, happy & motivated throughout life. The world leader of over 100 services, they believe that quality of life is created when they integrate the Food services, Facilities management, Employee Benefits and more…and go even further. Doing good business in a good way is their driver and at the heart of our mission and their ambition is to positively impact one billion consumers worldwide.
Watch their video to see the breadth and depth of the company.
View the video on this webpage:
Sodexo Employees
A company’s employees are its most valuable assets. Time invested in them is time well spent. Sodexo believes in discover the true potential and nurturing the employees’ talents. At Sodexo, they are big on training and development. That’s why 80% of our managers are promoted from within. View more details on the website: also specifically visit:
The Task:
Recently, the company has expanded its services to various locations across the world and is currently looking at improving employee engagement in various locations. The current Board of Directors would like to plan the Employee Engagement strategy carefully and they are aware of the business benefits of improving staff engagement to the success of the international ventures. The board is aware that you are an internationally diverse group of MBAs currently researching and measuring Employee Engagement in different cultures. They seek your help in recommending an engagement strategy for the country that is known to you. To initiate the strategy discussion, they have asked you to design a business proposal that includes an employee engagement intervention that would target a specific HR area in your chosen country and maintain the employee satisfaction levels at a high level. This international location can be selected by you based on a country that you are familiar with.
As an international HR consultant, you will recommend an effective strategy for engaging employees that the company can adopt in the international location. You need to first design a survey that can be used to measure general levels of employee engagement in the chosen country after which you will prepare a business proposal to improve engagement and then recommend a communication plan to share the business proposal with key stakeholders.
Deliverables for this assignment are:
Your deliverables for this assignment are –
- Draft Survey – Group Presentation to the client for the design of the survey – Due Week 7 (Formative to receive feedback for improvement of final work)
- Business Proposal with a detailed action plan and communication plan- Due Week 12 (Final Portfolio)
- Draft of reflection- Due in week 9 -to receive feedback by week 11
- Reflection of engagement levels in the MBA course- Due in Week 12(Final Portfolio)
2 and 4 will then need to be combined into your final submission
Assessment instructions for the Business Proposal:
You have been asked to act as a consultant to the above organisation to offer expert advice to improve employee engagement outcomes in a chosen international location. Your client is the HR Director and has asked for support to establish Employee Engagement and Wellbeing as a strategic priority for their Executive Board to adopt. Your client requires you to compare their practices with industry best practice and to provide a business proposal that cover the following tasks.
The following sections indicate the content of your Business Proposal:
Introduction: Critically review the concept of Employee Engagement and wellbeing and the research linking engagement/wellbeing with strategic HR and Business outcomes. Evaluate the implications for employee and employer.
Benefits of an engaged workforce: Provide a critical review of the research linking engagement and wellbeing with Strategic HR and Business outcomes, apply this specifically to the client. Ensure that you critically analyse the consequences of improving Employee Engagement- are they equally beneficial for employees and employers? Focus on the implications for the employer brand and the employee experience.
Measuring Engagement in the organisation: Recommend how employee engagement and well-being will be measured for your client combining quantitative and qualitative analysis in the chosen location. How do these tools improve ‘employee voice?’ Are there any limitations of the measurement tools? Attach the measurement tools to the appendix.
Action Plan highlighting the Employee Engagement and Wellbeing Goals, Objectives and Key Actions: Based on your research, briefly discuss how the Employee Engagement Goals, Objectives and Key Actions will be determined for your client. The action plan should recommend a minimum of four initiatives, 2 of which are to improve wellbeing and two for improving employee engagement of staff.
One detailed Employee Engagement intervention and one detailed Wellbeing intervention:
Select one employee engagement intervention and one wellbeing intervention that will be given priority. Focus on these two particular interventions that should be given priority and detail these interventions in the rest of the proposal. Justify through the evidence of best practice how this intervention can be a driver of employee engagement and wellbeing for your client.
Evaluation and Recommendations: Specify the mechanism for evaluation and improvements to the engagement and well-being action plans to achieve the targeted outcomes. Propose continuous recommendations for improvement to the plans
Word Count - 3000 words for the proposal – Including appendices
Reflection on developing professional skills- 1000 words
Total wordcount of portfolio =4000
Further Detailed Assessment Guidance for the Presentation and Reflection can be found in Aula under the Assessment Section
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