7:33 PM csusb.blackboard.com 23% Sprint LTE Map Quiz and Locations: Geography and environment are...

7:33 PM csusb.blackboard.com 23% Sprint LTE Map Quiz and Locations: Geography and environment are very important for understanding the history of peoples, how we change, how we interact with others, and even how we survive. In order to come to a greater understanding of carly World Civilizations, students are expected to learn the following geographic locations of the following places and peoples: Regions and Large States Mesopotamia, Egypt, India, China, Australia, Persia, Nubia, the Levant, New Guinea, Greece, Macedon, Anatolia, South Asia, East Asia, Middle East, Near East, Africa, Polynesia, lonian Coast, Afghanistan, Pakistan Cities Harappa, Athens, Sparta, Rome, Carthage, Jerusalem, Alexandria (in Egypt), Babylon, Ur, Uruk, Constantinople (Istanbul) Rivers, Seas, Mountains, and Oceans Nile River, Yellow River, Tigris River, Euphrates River, Yangzi River, Indus River, Ganges River, Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Zagros Mountains, Himalaya Mountains, Hindu Kush Mountains, Central Asian Steppe, Mongolian Steppe, Tibetan Plateau At the start of class on Apr 19, students will be quizzed on 10 of the above places. Students will be presented with a blank map of the world and asked to place the locations on it. The blank map for this quiz can be downloaded on Blackboard. It is also provided on the last page of this syllabus. Bring a pen; students must take this quiz in ink 7:33 PM e csusb.blackboard.com Sprint LTE Nile River, Yellow River, Tigris River, Euphrates River Black Sea, Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Indian Ocean, Atlantic Mountains, Hindu Kush Mountains, Central Asian Steppe, Yangzi River, Indus River, Ganges River, Mediterranean Sea Occan, Pacific Ocean, Zagros Mountains, Himalaya Mongolian Steppe, Tibetan Plateau At the start of class on Apr 19, students will be quizzed on 10 of the above places. Students will be presented with a blank map of the world and asked to place the locations on it. The blank map for this quiz can be downloaded on Blackboard. It is also provided on the last page of this syllabus. Bring a pen; students must take this quiz in ink.

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