61) Which of the following statements is true about r2? A) It is also called the coefficient of corr

61) Which of the following statements is true
about r2?
A) It is also called the coefficient of
B) It is also called the coefficient of
C) It represents the percent of variation
in X that is explained by Y.
D) It represents the percent of variation
in the error that is explained by Y.
E) It ranges in value from -1 to + 1.
62) The coefficient of determination
resulting from a particular regression analysis was 0.85. What was the slope of
the regression line?
A) 0.85
B) -0.85
C) 0.922
D) There is insufficient information to
answer the question.
E) None of the above
63) The diagram below illustrates data
with a


A) negative correlation coefficient.
B) zero correlation coefficient.
C) positive correlation coefficient.
D) correlation coefficient equal to +1.
E) None of the above
64) The correlation coefficient resulting
from a particular regression analysis was 0.25. What was the coefficient of
A) 0.5
B) -0.5
C) 0.0625
D) There is insufficient information to
answer the question.
E) None of the above

65) The coefficient of determination
resulting from a particular regression analysis was 0.85. What was the
correlation coefficient, assuming a positive linear relationship?
A) 0.5
B) -0.5
C) 0.922
D) There is insufficient information to
answer the question.
E) None of the above

66) Which of the following is an
assumption of the regression model?
A) The errors are independent.
B) The errors are not normally
C) The errors have a standard deviation of
D) The errors have an irregular variance.
E) The errors follow a cone pattern.

67) Which of the following is not
an assumption of the regression model?
A) The errors are independent.
B) The errors are normally distributed.
C) The errors have constant variance.
D) The mean of the errors is zero.
E) The errors should have a standard
deviation equal to one.
68) In a good regression model the
residual plot shows
A) a cone pattern.
B) an arched pattern.
C) a random pattern.
D) an increasing pattern.
E) a decreasing pattern.
69) The problem of nonconstant error
variance is detected in residual analysis by which of the following?
A) a cone pattern
B) an arched pattern
C) a random pattern
D) an increasing pattern
E) a decreasing pattern

70) The problem of a nonlinear
relationship is detected in residual analysis by which of the following?
A) a cone pattern
B) an arched pattern
C) a random pattern
D) an increasing pattern

E) a
decreasing pattern

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