Task One –Professional, ethical, and inclusive behaviours.
In this this task, you are required to demonstrate a professional level of knowledge and understanding in relation to ‘professional, ethical and inclusive behaviours’.
To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of the points below, making appropriate use of academic theory and practical examples to expand your response and illustrate key points.
Assignment Question | Tutor & Learner Guidance | Indicative content provided by CIPD |
Define the term professional and
explain what it means to be a ‘people professional’. (AC 1.1) |
There are two parts to this answer:
1) Define what it means to be a professional. (Use a credible source to define this.) 2) Explain what is means to be a people professional. (Use the CIPD Professional Map to describe the knowledge, values and behaviours of people professionals.) Tip: You can refer to your own career and role to explain the areas of the map most relevant to you. |
Definition of professional; professional specifications and frameworks, professional requirements, CIPD Profession Map, professional values, personal values (for example fairness, honesty, equality, inclusivity, valuing others,
evidence-based decision-making); concept of ‘professional integrity’. |
Explore how the role of a people
professional (either a generalist or a particular specialist) is evolving and the priorities this raises for continuing professional development (CPD) (AC 3.1) |
There are two parts to this answer:
1 - Comment on how the role of people professionals is changing/ evolving in the workplace. You can talk about the evolution of any generalist or specialist role (or your own role). 2 - Then, discuss the implication of these changes on CPD of people professionals. |
Emerging knowledge and skills required and the implications for CPD, for example business acumen, technology savvy, specialist expertise, work skills, collaborative working skills, remote working/working from home, self-management,
communication skills |
Discuss the concept of ‘ethical values’, and how at least three ethical values that you hold personally, impact (or could impact) on your work as a people
professional. (AC 1.2) |
There are two parts to this answer:
1 - Explain what ethical values are for people professionals.
2 - Identify THREE ethical values that you hold and explain how each of these influences your practice. |
The importance of knowing one’s own personal values and using these as a framework for behaviour and practice.
Knowing how personal values integrate (or not) with organisational and/or professional values and if/how differences can be reconciled. Recognising how personal values and beliefs shape ways of working and work relationships – and the impact of this for colleagues. Demonstrating professional courage – speaking up for ethical standpoints within the workplace and supporting others to do the same. |
Explain why it is essential for
people professionals to contribute confidently to discussions, and ways of doing this that are (AC 1.3): - informed - clear - engaging. |
There are four parts to this answer:
1 - Explain two reasons why it is important for people professionals to contribute to discussions. 2 - Use three separate sub-headings to explain ways in which: 2a) Your contribution to discussions is well- informed (by research or data or evidence) 2b) Your contribution to discussions is clear (by clear communication, simple language or visual presentation) 2c) Your contribution to discussions is engaging (by using varied techniques of engagement) |
The need for people professionals to contribute confidently and courageously to discussions to inform and influence
others. Knowing when and how to speak up and contribute expert opinion and information so that the HR/L&D/OD purpose (for example as defined by the CIPD Profession Map) is clearly represented and can be effectively fulfilled. Techniques for informed, clear and engaging communication, for example: gaining attention; using volume, tone, and pace; summarising and checking understanding. Using listening skills and questioning to understand different viewpoints and clarify questions. Making an evidence-based argument; using facts and data to support contributions. Using examples to illustrate key points and enhance engagement. Recognising context and adapting content to suit the audience |
Discuss when and how to raise concerns when issues such as organisational policies or leadership approaches conflict with ethical values or legislation. (AC 1.4) | There are two parts to this answer:
1 - Discuss a situation WHEN you would raise concerns. Use a workplace situation to demonstrate different occasions when concerns are raised by people professionals. This could be conflict with ethics, values or legislative non-compliance 2 - Explain HOW you would raise concerns in such situations. Explain the process you would follow to raise the concerns. |
When and how to raise issues, for example organisational policies and practices, organisational leadership style,
personal relationships, conflict style. Examples of ‘matters which conflict’, for example with legal matters, with ethical values, with personal values. Concept of ‘whistleblowing’, high-profile examples. |
Provide a robust argument for
ethical people practice that is |
There are two parts to this answer: | Human and business benefits: for example job satisfaction, reduced dispute and conflict, corporate reputation; enhanced |
supported by academic theory and
details both the business and human benefits of people at work feeling included, valued and fairly treated. (AC 2.1) |
1 - Explain why inclusion and inclusive practice
is important (citing relevant academic theories) 2a) - Give atleast two BUSINESS benefits of inclusion, valuing employees and fair treatment at work 2b) - Give atleast two HUMAN (employee) benefits of feeling included, valued and treated fairly at work. |
worker wellbeing, increased retention and reduced turnover rates, reduced sickness, increased efficiency and
effectiveness of work.
Relevant theory: theorists and thinkers, for example Maslow, McLelland, Daniel Pink, David Rock; concepts of ‘worker engagement’ and ‘worker wellbeing’. |
Drawing on your own or a
hypothetical example of providing a people practice solution to meet a particular need or introducing a new policy or initiative, describe: - strategies for designing the solution/initiative so that it will be inclusive - strategies for checking that, when in practice, the solution/initiative engages and meets the needs of all those it is aimed at. (AC 2.2) |
There are two parts to this answer:
You need to give one separate example for each point: 1 - Explain the strategies for designing an INCLUSIVE solution/ initiative. This requires an explanation of how stakeholders can be included in designing a solution. 2 - Explain how the solution is evaluated to ensure that it meets the needs of the stakeholders. This requires an explanation of how stakeholders can be including in evaluating the effectiveness of a solution. |
Enabling others to have a voice when designing and delivering solutions which impact them. Strategies for engaging with others in the design of people practice
initiatives, for example; discussions, email and documentary exchanges, research or consultation activities. Others: for example those directly impacted by the solution, those with relative insights or contributions to offer, partners in joint working, those with authority or responsibility in the area concerned. Strategies for checking the inclusivity of people practices: for example, informal or formal feedback; consultation re the extent to which the practice reaches and embraces different agendas and needs |
Task Two – Professional Development
This task requires you to evidence your commitment and approach to continuing professional development (CPD). It is divided into three activities, which must all be completed.
There are 2 different options for how you complete the 3 activities: these are
- The CIPD Profession Map Self-Assessment Tool,
- Offline
You should read the ‘General Instructions for the Activities’ first. Then read the ‘Guidance for Complet ing the Activities’ following the specific option you have chosen.
Assignment Question | Tutor & Learner Guidance | Indicative content provided by CIPD |
ACTIVITY 1 (AC 2.3, AC 3.2)
Using a range of information, including feedback from others, assess your practice against the FIVE CIPD Profession Map core behaviours listed below. The 5 core behaviours (all to be selected at associate level) are:
- Ethical Practice - Professional Courage and Influence - Valuing People - Working Inclusively - Passion for Learning Evidence to be presented: § In the main body of your assignment, write a short summary (approx. 150 words), of the information used to inform your assessment |
There are THREE things to be done in this
1 - Complete the self-assessment at ASSOCIATE level for FIVE core behaviours: - Ethical Practice - Valuing People - Working Inclusively - Professional courage and influence - Passion for learning This can be completed using the interactive map on CIPD Learning hub OR offline documentation 2 - Ensure you include the evidence of self- assessment (in appendix). This can be as screen shots from Learning Hub or manually created tables. |
Approaches, for example valuing people as individuals and recognising the value and benefits of diversity; actively seeking and listening to diverse views and
opinions; building trust and providing appropriate support when needed; finding opportunities to collaborate with wider colleagues; sharing knowledge and expertise to solve problems.
People and contexts for gaining feedback, formal and informal feedback, regular and ad hoc feedback, feedback methods and media, feedback as incoming information, triangulation of received feedback, relevance and importance of feedback, how to structure feedback, self- assessment methods and relevant frameworks to assess against. Bias issues in self-assessment and others’ feedback. Utilising the CIPD Profession Map . |
§ Add your assessment pages as an
appendix. |
3 - Write 150 words short summary of what
you used for assessment and how you completed the self -assessment. |
Having identified your main development needs in relation to these 5 areas, formulate appropriate development activities to meet these needs and add these to your professional development/learning plan.
Evidence to be presented: § In the main body of your assignment, write a short explanation (approx. 250 words) for your choice of development activities § Add the relevant pages from your development/learning plan as an appendix. |
There are THREE things to be done in this
activity: 1 - Create a personal development plan with five developmental objectives. This can be completed using the development plan template available. 2 - Add this to the appendix. Ensure that you identify atleast five developmental objectives which address the weaknesses identifies in self-assessment Use the SMART framework to write strong objectives with clear measures of success. 3 - Write 250 words to explain your choice of development activities explaining why you chose certain ways of learning over other methods. |
CPD models and theory, CIPD and other sector and
professional requirements for CPD, for example formal and informal, self-directed learning, coaching, mentoring, work, applying learning as appropriate, shadowing, skills practice, investigation and research, reading, blogs, webcasts, videos, social media discussions and forums, conferences, training courses, on-job and off-job learning, characteristics of a good-practice CPD plan, how to complete a CPD plan. |
A key element of CPD is reflecting on the impact of our learning, so that we can make further decisions about how to progress. Select 3 formal or informal development activities you have undertaken over the last 12 months and reflect on how each of these activities has impacted your behaviour and performance. (Consider how effective the activity has been and the extent of its impact. You might also |
In 750 words, reflect on three development
activities you have undertaken in the last 12 months. A few points to note: - You can use the development record template provided. - Include the following points in each of your reflection: a) what you have learnt from the activity b) how this has impacted your performance at work. |
Concept and theory of reflective practice,
outputs of reflection (for example, records, plans), evaluating/measuring behaviour changes, evaluating/measuring performance changes, checking changes are positive and meet intended outcomes, impact on own performance and behaviour. |
consider what new needs or action points the
activity raised for you.) Note: this reflection is retrospective and not connected to the activities planned in activity 2 above. Evidence to be presented: - Written reflections on 3 development activities (approx. 750 words) |
c) consider how effective the activity has
been and the extent of its impact. d) identify new needs or action points the activity raised for you. |
Guidance for Completing the Activities (select ONE of the options below)
OPTION 1: The CIPD Learning Hub self-assessment tool and learning plan. This can be accessed at https://learninghub.cipd.org/d2l/home/6720.
- For the self -assessment (Activity 1), access the tool (see link above). Select ‘Self -assessment’, ‘Associate level’, and add the 5 required behaviours - then complete your scoring. As you work through, take copies/screen-prints of each assessment to add as an appendix to your If you forget or make a mistake, simply opt to redo the process.
- For the formulation of development activities (Activity 2), follow up your self -assessment by
selecting ‘View recommendations’ where you will be able to sele ct and add different activities to the ‘My Learning Plan’. Whilst the system presents you with suggested activities, it should be clear to your assessor that you have selected/added options that you determine to be most appropriate for your needs. Take copies/screen prints of the activities you have formulated to add as an appendix to your assignment.
- For the reflections activity (Activity 3), select ‘My CPD Reflections’ and complete the ‘reflections ‘forms’. Embed these into your assignment (or attach as an additional PDF report if preferred). However, please ensure you still comply with the required word count for this
(Important information regarding screen shots: We recommend that learners edit out any personal data on their screen before submitting screen shots. This can be done quite easily using, for example, the ‘snip and sketch’ facility built into most office-based software and explained online as well as in our CIPD tutorials.)
OPTION 2: Offline Documentation.
- For the self -assessment (Activity 1), we have provided an example template for the first 2 core behaviours at Appendix 1 of this assessment brief. If choosing this option, please extend the templates to include all 5 of the required behaviours and complete them by adding an ‘X’ in the relevant columns. The templates should then be added as an appendix to your
- For the formulation of development activities (Activity 2), determine appropriate development
activities to meet your needs in relation to these 5 areas and add these to your (own format) professional development plan (PDP). The relevant pages (extract) of your PDP should be added as an appendix to your assignment.
- For the reflections activity (Activity 3), provide your written reflections within the main body of your assignment.
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